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Connection between Cell Phones and Cancer? December 16, 2014

Posted by healthyself in Acoustic Neuroma, ADHD, Autism, Brain Cancer, Brain Tumors, Central Nervous System, Chromosomal damage, Depression, DNA, DNA breakage, DNA Damage, Double Strand DNA breakage, Eyes, Glioma, Heart Attacks, Leukemia, Melanoma, Parotid Gland, Pituitary Gland, Tinnitus, Tumors.

Is there a connection between cell phones and cancer?  Here are 44 reasons to believe that cell phones can cause cancer.

Cell phones emit microwave radio-frequency radiation. Fact.

This radiation has the ability to penetrate our bodies. Fact.

Our governments do virtually nothing to protect us from these dangers. Fact.

And yet there is strong evidence and multiple peer reviewed studies that indicate that cell phones cause cancer and other diseases.

Take a look for yourself at these facts.

But first let’s just consider what cancer is.

Cancer And DNA

The National Cancer Institute  says,

“Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues … all cancers begin in cells … cells grow and divide in a controlled way to produce more cells as they are needed to keep the body healthy. When cells become old or damaged, they die and are replaced with new cells. However, sometimes this orderly process goes wrong. The genetic material (DNA) of a cell can become damaged or changed, producing mutations that affect normal cell growth and division. When this happens, cells do not die when they should and new cells form when the body does not need them.”

So cancer typically involves abnormal cell division and DNA damage and in some cases cells may form a mass of tissue called a tumor.

Types Of Brain Tumor

In the studies done to date cell phone radiation exposures are principally linked to two types of brain tumor: gliomas and acoustic neuromas.

Gliomas, a type of tumor that starts in the brain or spine are typically malignant. Gliomas are particularly deadly. Most people survive only 1 to 3 years after diagnosis.

Acoustic neuromas, though non-malignant (low-grade cancer), are in many cases life threatening given that they are an intracranial tumor.

The 44 Reasons

1. Cellular Damage: Telecoms giant T-Mobile in Germany commissioned an independent study to review all relevant research on the health risks from wireless telecommunications. It was concluded that,

“On the cellular level, a multitude of studies found the type of damage from high frequency electromagnetic fields which is important for cancer initiation and cancer promotion.”

Brain Tumors And Brain Cancers

2. Significantly Increased Risk of Glioma:  Gliomas are becoming increasingly common. The $25 million Interphone Study found that:

“… regular use of a cell phone by adults can significantly increase the risk of gliomas by 40% with 1640 hours or more of use (this is about one half hour per day over ten years).”

Source: Table 2 INTERPHONE Study Group. Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE international case-control study. Int J Epidemiol (2010); 39(3):675-694.

3. Tumor Risk on Cell Phone Side of Head: Again from the Interphone Study – currently the big daddy of cell phone radiation studies it being the largest and longest study on the link between cell phones and brain tumors – it also found, “tumors were more likely to occur on the side of the head most used for calling.”

4. Harmful Association Between Cell Phone Radiation and Tumors: A review of 23 epidemiological studies by 7 scientists on the link between cell phones and cancer concluded, “harmful association.” One of the reports authors commenting the study results said, “although as a whole the data varied, among the 10 higher quality studies, we found a harmful association between phone use and tumor risk. The lower quality studies, which failed to meet scientific best practices, were primarily industry funded.”

5. Increased Risk For Glioma and Acoustic Neuroma: the studies performed by the Hardell Research Group are widely regarded as being amongst the best. This recent study finds, “A consistent pattern of increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma associated with use of wireless phones.” These findings are consistent with their earlier studies.

6. Temporal Lobe & Glioma Risk: A recent French study found evidence of an increased risk of glioma and temporal lobe tumors. The study found that, “risks were higher for gliomas, temporal tumours, occupational and urban mobile phone use.” According to EMF watchdog Powerwatch this is an important paper, “that confirms existing studies and which should help move the IARC RF evaluation strongly towards a Group 2A – ‘probable human carcinogen’.”

7. Increased Risk of Acoustic Neuroma in Long-Term Users of Cell Phones: A recent study on 790,000 middle aged women in the UK found that, “women who used cell phones for ten or more years were two-and- a-half times more likely to develop an acoustic neuroma. Their risk of acoustic neuroma increased with the number of years they used cell phones.”

8. Increased Risk of Acoustic Neuroma: Research conducted by Lonn suggests, “an increased risk of acoustic neuroma associated with mobile phone use of at least 10 years’ duration.”

9. Brain Tumor Risk is Higher on ‘Cell Phone’ Side of Head:  A research paper that reviewed 11 studies found, “a link between prolonged cell phone usage and the development of an ipsilateral [same side of head as cell phone] brain tumor.”

10. Meningioma: This Swedish study looked at adult brain tumor cases diagnosed over a two year period. Although the study concluded that, “no conclusive evidence of an association between use of mobile and cordless phones and meningioma was found.” The studies authors did say, “an indication of increased risk was seen in the group with highest cumulative use.”

11. Malignant Brain Tumors: Recent work by Hardell looked at long-term use of mobile and cordless phones. In conclusion it was found that, “this study confirmed previous results of an association between mobile and cordless phone use and malignant brain tumors. These findings provide support for the hypothesis that RF-EMFs play a role both in the initiation and promotion stages of carcinogenesis.”

Image: Hardell Research Group

Other Cancers And Tumors

12. Cancer of the Pituitary Gland: The pituitary gland, considered by many to be the “master gland” of the body, is a pea sized organ located in the middle of the base of the brain that produces hormones that play a major role in regulating vital body functions and general well-being. This study (already referenced above) also found that,

“the risk of cancer of the pituitary gland more was more than twice as high among women who used a cell phone for less than five years as compared to never users.”

13. Thyroid Cancer: The thyroid gland is situated in the neck. Using a cell phone against your ear exposes your thyroid to cell phone radiation. A recent Israeli study observing that, “the incidence of thyroid cancer has been on the rise in Israel for more than a decade which matches the rise in the use of cellphones” collected human thyroid cells from healthy patients and subjected them to radiation. The study found, “evidence of changes in thyroid cells in response to electromagnetic radiation.”

14. Melanoma RiskMelanoma is a cancer that starts in a certain type of skin cell. A Swedish study found “a very clear association between increasing use of mobile phones and increasing rates of head melanoma in Nordic countries.”

Image: Örjan Hallberg

15. Stem Cell Cancer: In a controversial US study on 29 cases of neuroepithelial tumors, cell phone users accounted for 11 of them. These initial results indicated a near tripling in the risk of neuroepithelial tumors through cell phone use. The published results were revised to reflect a doubling of risk and then reported as not “statistically significant.”

16. Oral Cancer: An Israeli study on 460 cases of parotid gland tumors found, “based on the largest number of benign PGT patients reported to date, our results suggest an association between cellular phone use and PGTs [parotid gland tumors].” The parotid is the salivary gland near the cheek where many users hold their cell phone.

17. Parotid Malignant Tumors: Another Israeli study analyzed deaths as recorded on the National Cancer Registry over a 36 year period found, “the total number of parotid gland cancers in Israel increased 4-fold from 1970 to 2006 , whereas other major salivary gland cancers remained stable.”

Image: Environmental Health Trust

18. Leukemia: A comprehensive review of over a dozen studies including studies on exposures from cell tower radiation, TV and Radio broadcast towers concluded, “cancer, especially brain tumor and leukemia, but all other cancers also.”

19. Lymph Node Cancer: In an Australian study one hundred mice were exposed to RF radiation for two 30-minute periods per day for up to 18 months. The authors called the increased incidence of lymphoma “highly significant.” They added that “it is very unlikely that the faster onset of cancer was due to chance.”

20. Multifocal Breast CancerAmerican researchers studied four young women with breast cancer. They found that, “all patients regularly carried their smartphones directly against their breasts in their brassieres for up to 10 hours a day, for several years, and developed tumors in areas of their breasts immediately underlying the phones.”

21. Eye Cancer: A German Study has established a link between uveal melanoma and cell phone radiation and similar exposures. The study “found an elevated risk for exposure to radiofrequency-transmitting devices.”  Another study found ocular symptoms and sensations in long term users of mobile phones.

22. Diverse Cancerous Tumors: A Brazilian Study established a direct link between various cancer deaths such as tumors in the prostate, breast, lung, kidneys and liver in Brazil’s third largest city, and cell phone tower radiation exposures. The study found that, “more than 81 percent of people who die in Belo Horizonte by specific types of cancer live less than 500 meters away from the 300 identified cell phone antennas in the city”.

Source. This same study also lists more than a dozen other research papers that have found a link between different cancers and cell phone/cell tower radiation exposures.

Cell Phone Subscriptions And Brain Tumors

23. Cell Phone Subscription Link to Brain Tumors: A U.S. study analyzed the number of cell phone subscriptions and brain tumors in nineteen US states, they concluded,

“the very linear relationship between cell phone usage and brain tumor incidence is disturbing and certainly needs further epidemiological evaluation.”

24. Brain Cancer Incidence Increases Over Time (U.S): Another U.S. study of brain cancer incidence trends in relation to cell phone use in the United States found, “there was a statistically significant increasing trend between 1992 and 2006 among females but not among males. The recent trend in 20–29-year-old women was driven by a rising incidence of frontal lobe cancers.”

25. Brain Cancer Incidence Increases Over Time (Europe): Studies carried out in Norway, Finland and the U.K. have identified a similar trend of an increase in the incidence of brain cancer over time. In the UK study the incidence of malignant brain tumors close to where you hold your phone was highlighted.

Source: Mobile Phone Use and Cancer Risk – Research on a Group 2B Carcinogen. Joel M. Moskowitz Ph.D.

Other Effects On the Brain

26. Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) Permeability: The BBB is a membrane which prevents toxic materials from the blood from entering the brain. It was first discovered in 1975 that RF radiation causes the BBB to leak, since then at least a dozen laboratories around the world have corroborated this effect. There’s no consensus on the link between BBB damage and cancer but some studies elude to this.

27. Brain Cell Loss: A Turkish study on adult female rats that were exposed to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field found that, “EMF exposure caused a significant decrease of the … cell number … additionally, cell loss can be seen.” In their conclusions the researchers drew parallels between these exposures and teenagers’ brains that are exposed to cell phone radiation.

28. Brain ActivityResearchers in China exposed 18 participants to RF radiation (LTE) for 30 minutes which was well within international (ICNIRP) cell phone legal limits. They concluded that, “30min LTE RF-EMF exposure modulated the spontaneous low frequency fluctuations in some brain regions.”

29. Brain Blood Flow Affected: This Finnish brain imaging study found that “that the EMF emitted by a commercial mobile phone affects rCBF  [regional cerebral blood flow]  in humans.” This suggests that cell phone radiation affects neuronal activity.

30. Texting Affects Memory:  An Australian study on young adolescents found “students who reported making or receiving more voice or SMS calls per week, and in particular more of both, demonstrated shorter response times on learning tasks, but less accurate working memory.”

DNA Damage

One way cancer and other diseases are believed to develop is when the DNA (genetic information) in a cell becomes damaged. This damage mutates the DNA.  There are many studies linking cell phone radiation exposures to different types of DNA damage.

31. Single and Double-Strand DNA Breaks: In pioneering work a University of Washington team found DNA single strand breaks from RF radiation exposures on rats in an initial study. A subsequent study found single and double-strand DNA breaks.

32. Various Genetic Effects: An Austrian study analyzed the results of 101 different published articles on the effects of radio frequency EMFs on DNA. The study concluded that, “there is ample evidence that RF-EMF can alter the genetic material of exposed cells.”

33. Increased Rates of Micronuclei: Micronuclei proliferation indicates a type of DNA damage strongly associated with cancer. A Brazilian study found that, “electromagnetic field irradiation [low level cell phone type exposures] during pregnancy leads to an increase in erythrocytes micronuclei incidence in rat offspring.”  Several studies have found increased rates of micronuclei in the body following exposures to RF radiation.

34. Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) Production Decreased: A U.S. study exposed chick embryo’s to RF radiation. They concluded that, “this EMF-induced decrease in HSP70 levels and resulting decline in cytoprotection suggests a mechanism by which daily exposure (such as might be experienced by mobile phone users) could enhance the probability of cancer and other diseases.”

35. Oxidative DNA Damage: The Guler study in Turkey exposed female and male infant rabbits to 1800 MHz radio frequency radiation and found, “GSM-like RF radiation may induce biochemical changes by increasing free radical attacks to structural biomolecules.”  Free radical damage is associated with the development of cancer.

36. DNA Strand BreaksThis Austrian study exposed human and rat cells to mobile phone radiation and found, “DNA single- and double-strand breaks.”

37. Changes in Gene Expression: The Belyaev study found that, exposing the “rat brain to 915 MHz GSM microwaves induces changes in gene expression.” Other studies suggest that, “subtle changes of gene expression associated with [disease].”

38. Genotoxic Effects: The Schwarz study exposed human cells to 1,950 MHz UMTS. It concluded that “UMTS exposure may cause genetic alterations in some but not in all human cells in vitro.”

39. Neurotransmitters Impacted: This Bavarian study followed 60 people over one and a half years following the installation of a new cell phone base station in their village. The study concluded that, “the effects showed a dose-response relationship,” that it had “occurred well below current limits for technical RF radiation exposures” and that these effects have “great relevance for health and [are] well known to damage human health in the long run.” In other words the more people were exposed to cell phone type radiation the bigger the impact on their health.

40. Chromosome Damage: A Belgian study reviewed 16 expert gene monitoring studies from around the world. In 13 of the 16 independent studies performed worldwide it was found that, “RF-exposed individuals have increased frequencies of genetic damage (e.g., chromosomal aberrations).”

41. Central Nervous System: US based researcher Dr. Henry Lai comments that there are several studies which show that repeated RF exposure at relatively low power caused morphological changes in the central nervous system, “changes in morphology, especially cell death, could have an important implication on health. Injury-induced cell proliferation has been hypothesized as a cause of cancer.”

Reading Between The Lines

The studies don’t tell all of the story. Here are some other things you need to know.

42. Latency Period Before Diagnosis: To put this in the words of researcher Dr. Martin Blank “cancers do not form overnight.” In almost all cases, cancerous tumors take many years to form and metastasize.” According to Dr. Blank’s statements, then cancers are overpowered. This would suggest that we might be sitting on a cell phone radiation cancer time bomb.

43. Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Time Bomb: To give a sense to what this latency period could mean in terms of the incidence of brain tumors in the years to come, researcher Lloyd Morgan produced this alarming graphic showing that brain tumor cases could reach epidemic proportions within the next decade:

44. Flawed Research: Not all of the research points to a link between cell phone radiation and cancer. But then that’s hardly surprising given the lengths some researchers go to, to skew the results. This research paper also lays bare the phenomenon of study bias. This can take many different shapes and forms; insufficient latency time, incorrect definition of “regular” cell phone user, cell phones radiating higher power levels in rural areas not investigated, exposure to other transmitting sources not considered, exclusion of brain tumor cases due to death or illness, etc.

The Tip Of The Iceberg

There is lot of interest surrounding the link between cell phone radiation and cancer. But cancer is only the tip of the iceberg.

Microwave radio-frequency radiation exposures of the type emitted by cell phones are also linked to many other diseases and potentially life threatening illnesses, including:

  • sperm damage & male infertility
  • miscarriages
  • vaginal discharge
  • vascular system disease
  • tinnitus
  • childhood cancer
  • sleep problems
  • depression
  • irritability
  • memory loss
  • concentration difficulties
  • headaches
  • dizziness and fatigue
  • suicidal tendencies
  • arrhythmia
  • heart attacks
  • bone marrow interference
  • altered calcium level in cells
  • ADHD
  • reduction in night-time melatonin
  • suppression of the immune system
  • arthritis
  • rheumatism
  • skin symptoms
  • lymphatic diseases
  • autism
  • hearing problems

See more at here


Did you know…………… January 11, 2008

Posted by healthyself in Absorption, Accelerated Aging, Addiction, Adolescents, Aging, airports, Alzheimer's, Anger, angst, Antioxidants, Anxiety, arteriosclerosis, Attention Deficit, Autism / Asperger's, Biofield, Biological Activity, Biological Dentistry, Birth Defects, Birth Rate, Blogroll, Blood Brain Barrier, Bluetooth, Brain Cancer, Brain Damage, Brain Tumors, Brainwave Interference, Breast Cancer, Bronchial Spasms, Buzzing, Canaries, Cancer, Cancer Protection, Captive Animals, Cell changes, Cell death, Cell Masts, cell membrane, Cell phone industry, Cell Phone Pulses, Cell phone safety, Cell phone towers, Cell Phone Transmissions, Cell Phones, Cellular Damage, Cellular Destruction, cellular functions, Cellular Phone Frequencies, Central Nervous System, Childhood Cancer, Children's health, Chromosomal damage, Chronic Exhaustion, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Illness, Circulation, Computer Rooms, Consciousness, Control Group, Conversations, Cordless Phones, Cytotoxic Effects, Dangerous, Death Rates, Definitions, Denial of Risk, Dental Fillings, Detoxification, Digestion, Diseases, Disruption of cellular, DNA, DNA breakage, DNA Damage, Dolphins, Double Strand DNA breakage, Ear Tumors, EEG, EHF, Elderly, Electric Field, Electrical Components, Electrical Pulses, Electrical Wiring, Electrochemical Communications, electromagnetic, Electromagnetic Communications, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Interference, Electromagnetic Radiation, Electromagnetic Signals, Electrophysiology, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, ELF, Emergency Medicine, EMF Exposure, EMF Research, EMF Shielding, EMF's, EMF-induced effects, EMR, Endocrine, Endogenous Fields, Entrainment, Entropy, Environment, Epidemiologists, Epidemiology, Extremely Low Frequency, Eye Cancer, Family, Fatigue, Federal Communication Commission, Forgetfulness, Free Radicals, Frequencies, Games and Gaming, Gamma Rays, Generations, genes, genetic damage, GHz, Global Health Disaster, Ground Currents, Grounding Conductors, GSM, Hand Portables, Handheld Units, Handsets, Harmonics, Hazard, headaches, Headsets, Healing, Health, Health and Safety Officer, Health related, Health Risk, Health Risks, Health warnings, Hearing, Heart Attacks, Heart Disease, heat, Heavy Metals, Heightened Risk, HF, Hidden, High Voltage Power Line, Homes, Hormones, Hospitals, HOuseholds, HRD, Human Biological Experiment, Human Populations, Human Resources, Hz, Illness, immune and nervous funtions, Immune system, Immunity, Infant Death Syndrome, Infectious Disease, Inflammation, Infrared, Inherited, Inner Agitation, Insects, Insomnia, Interdisciplinary, International, Intuition, Investigate, Lab Tested, Lack of Concentration, Laptops, Learning, Leukemia, LF, Lifestyle, Lifetime, Light, Long Term Health Effects, Long Term Health Risks, Low Birth Weight, Low Frequencies, Lung Disorders, Lymphoma, Mad Wave Disease, Magnetic Field Exposure, Malignant, masts, Medical Research, Medicine, Melatonin, Memory, Memory Loss, Men's Health, Menstrual Cycle, Metabolic Changes, Metabolism, MHz, microchips, Microwave exposure, Microwave Ovens, Microwave Sickness, microwaves, Migraines, Military, miscarriages, Mitigation, Mitochondria, Mobile Phone Transmissions, mobile telephones, Mold, Moods, Motivation, Motor Activity, nausea, nerves, Nervous System, Neural Electrophysiology, Neurasthenia, neurological, Neurologist, neuroma, neurons, neurosurgeons, Neurotransmitters, Noise, Non-Thermal Levels, Nutrition, Occupation, Ocular, oncogenes, Optical, Oscillate, Ovaries, Pain, Pain Perception, Panic Attacks, Paralysis, Parotid Gland, Patients, Peak Absorption, Penetration, People in Laboratories, Perinatal Depressio, Permanent Brain Damage, Pesticides, Pets, PH, Phone mast, Photosensitive, Pineal Gland, plasma membrane, Poisons, Police Officers, Politics, Pollution, Potential Hydrogen, Power Densities, Power poles, Pregnant Women, Preventive Caution, Prolonged calls, Prolonged Periods, Public areas, Public Hearings, Public Policy, Quantum Physics, Questionnaires, QV, radiation, Radio Field Sickness, Radio Frequency Microwaves, Radio Frequency Radiation, Radio Transmitters, Radio Waves, Rapidly pulsing, Recommendations, Recovery, Research, Research Needed, Resonance, Resonant Frequency, Resources, Right Side of the Head, ringing, ringtones, Risk Factor, Risk of Cancer, Risk of Disease, Safe Levels, Safety, Safety Barrier, SAR, Scalar Wave, School administrators, School Boards, Schools, Seizure, Sensitivity, Serotonin, Shielding, Shields, Sick People, signaling enzymes, signaling systems, Signals, Skull, Sleep, Sleep Disorders, Sleep disturbances, Solutions, Sound, Sparrows, Speakerphones, Species-Limiting, Spine, Staph, Stress, Stroke, Studies, subcellular structures, Subtle Energies, Suffering, Suicide, Susceptibility to Infection, Switched On, Symptoms, T3-T4, Teachers, teeth grinding, Telecommunications, telemetry interference, Terrain, terrorism, Tinnitus, Tissues, Toxic Interactions, toxic particles, toxicity, Toxin, Traffic Pollution, Transmitter Towers, TSH, tumorigenesis, Tumors, Tweenies, University, University Research, Unsafe, VDT, Violence, Well-Being, Whales, Who is Affected?, WiFi, Wireless, Wireless Phones, Wireless Revolution, Wireless Transmitter, Withdrawal, Women's Health, Workplace, X bearing sperm, X-Rays, zinging/crackling.

The largest study ever done on wireless safety, which involved over 220 scientists around the world, demonstrated clinical evidence of double strand DNA breakage caused by cell phone radiation…..proved double strand DNA breakage along with altered gene mutation as well. … Swedish neurologist … who has been doing research studies for over 15 years, has verbalized about cell phone radiation, “This is the largest human biological experiment in the history of civilization”.

….a highly respected scientist, found shocking penetration rates of radiation in children as compared to adults. These differences in exposure signify potentially serious health risks for children in the area of cancer, genetic damage, disruptions of cellular, immune and nervous system functions. Scientists say that the thickness of the skull in children makes a difference. It is quite thin compared with adults, and there is more brain fluid – which means that the radio frequencies can travel through the brain more easily .

The BEFORE photo: Only 15 minutes use of a cell phone can create significant heating of tissues in the head. The orange, red and pink colors indicate the areas being heated.

The AFTER photo was taken after 15 minutes of using the same cell phone NOW protected with BIOPRO harmonization technology! Tissue temperatures remained normal! (Blue and green indicate coolness!)

Testing Details: The testing Protocol followed the IACT… guidelines….digital infrared imaging was performed …. The thermal window used was 10 degrees Celcius with each color on the color bar representing 1 degree Celcius. The ambient room temperature remained at 20 degrees Celcius throughout the test. A 15 minute equilibration period was used. The purpose of the testing was to determine if there is a change in infrared emission of the body part near a cellular phone with and without the BIOPRO EMF-Harmonization Chips in place.

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Control blood test of human Blood test of human subject exposed to Blood test of human subject exposed to cell phone
subject not exposed to cell cell phone radiation without any protection radiation with Cell Chip protection
phone radiation

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Unprotected exposure to EMF radiation has been shown to interfere with sleep, make you irritable, effect your concentration while driving, prematurely age and wrinkle your skin, make your children jittery and restless, make you gain weight, make you tired during the day, and decrease focus and attention, among other things.

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40 studies and proof at http://www.bioenergeticsinstitute.com

Many national and international organizations have recognized the need to define the true risk of low intensity, non-thermal RF/MW radiation exposure, calling for intensive scientific investigation to answer the open questions. These include:

  • The World Health Organization, noting reports of “cancer, reduced fertility, memory loss, and adverse changes in the behavior and development of children.”
  • Journal of American Medical Association, “talking 500 minutes per month increases the probability of brain cancer by 140%”
  • Reproductive Research Center at Cleveland Clinic, “men who carry their mobiles near the groin on a belt or in a pocket could potentially have their sperm count reduced by as much as 30 %”, also citing that less than 20 % of the sperm looked normal under the microscope.
  • Stewart Inquiry U.K. “Young people under the age of 16 are strongly advised to use mobile phones for essential purposes only and to keep those calls short”

Day in and day out, you may be exposing yourself to more stress than you thought by simply using your Cell Phone, PDA or Bluetooth headset, computers, laptops, and other devices. Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted from these devices has been linked to various stress-induced problems and illnesses and could very well be compromising your health and well being. As a leader in the field of bioenergetics, BIOPRO’s suite of products are the most advanced dual action technology designed to significantly address this newest source of stress in our daily lives.

BIOPRO’s suite of products combine the benefits of two powerful, innovative and scientifically substantiated technologies: BIOPRO’s patented noise field nano-technology MRET (Molecular Resonance Effect Technology), and its proprietary subtle energy innovation ERT (Energy Resonance Technology). Individually and collectively, these cutting-edge technologies offer a groundbreaking and effective way to deal with the cumulative stress associated with living in today’s electronic environment.

Put stress on hold today and enjoy the conveniences of modern life with the one-and-only suite of synergistic products.


Everyone who uses wireless devices or spends time in areas where other people use wireless technology needs intervention. Radio waves coming from these devices trigger responses that lead to effects ranging from anxiety disorders, learning problems, and electrosensitivity to immunological deficiencies and cancer.

Doctors have told us that the MRET and ERT technologies are a very effective combined intervention because MRET emits a field that prevents biological tissue from reacting. ERT minimizes the symptoms by restoring cellular communication. This combined intervention represents the most efficient means of controlling this radio wave damage available anywhere in the world.


This patented, nano-technology has been scientifically tested and proven in laboratories at leading medical centers and universities around the world! Here is a list of some of them:

Cedar-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles)

University of Washington (Seattle)

Catholic University of America

University of Western Ontario (Canada)

Columbus University

Aarhus University (Denmark)

Elixir Health Ltd., Singapore

SI Biomedical Instrumentation Co., San Diego

University of Toronto, Canada

Tex Chu Corp. Laboratory, Taipei, Taiwan

Research Institute of Bioenergetics, USA

RF Exposure Laboratory, USA

Elys Scientific Corp., St. Petersburg, Russia

How Long Does it Take Us to Learn….or Believe? January 11, 2008

Posted by healthyself in Accelerated Aging, Addiction, Adolescents, Aging, airports, Anxiety, Attention Deficit, Autism, Bioeffects, Biological Activity, Biological Effects, Biologically Signficant, Birth Defects, Birth Rate, Blogroll, Brainwave Interference, Cell phone industry, Cell phone safety, Cell Phones, Cellular Damage, Cellular Phone Frequencies, cellular signal transduction pathways, Central Nervous System, Childhood Cancer, Children's health, Chromosomal damage, Chronic Exhaustion, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Illness, Clear Link, Conversations, Cordless Phones, Dangerous, Denial of Risk, Diabetes, Diseases, DNA Damage, Electrical Components, Electrical Pulses, Electrical Surges, Electromagnetic Communications, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Forces, Electromagnetic Interference, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic Radiation, Electromagnetic Signals, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, ELF, EMF Exposure, EMF Research, EMF-induced effects, Environment, Epidemiologists, Epidemiology, Fatigue, Financial Considerations, Frequencies, Global Health Disaster, Hand Portables, Handheld Units, Handsets, headaches, Healing, Health, Health and Safety Officer, Health related, Health Risk, Health Risks, Health warnings, High Frequencies, High Voltage Power Line, high voltage transmission lines, Hospitals, HOuseholds, HRD, Human Populations, Human Resources, Immune system, Infant Death Syndrome, Infectious Disease, Inflammation, Inner Agitation, Interdisciplinary, Kids, Legal Issues, Lifestyle, Lifetime, Long Term Health Effects, Long Term Health Risks, Low Frequencies, Medical Research, Memory Loss, Men's Health, Metabolic Changes, MHz, Microwave exposure, Migraines, Mobile Phone Transmissions, mobile telephones, Nervous System, Neural Electrophysiology, neurological, Neurotransmitters, Pain Perception, Panic Attacks, Peak Absorption, Penetration, Pets, Pollution, Pregnant Women, Public areas, Public Policy, Research, Research Needed, Risk, Risk Factor, Risk of Cancer, Risk of Disease, Rooflines, Safe Levels, Safety, SAR, Sleep Disorders, Sleep disturbances, Speakerphones, Stand-by Mode, Stress, Stroke, Studies, Susceptibility to Infection, Symptoms, Tinnitus, Toxic Interactions, Traffic Pollution, Transmitter Towers, Tweenies, University, University Research, Violence, Well-Being, Who is Affected?, WiFi, Wireless, Wireless Phones, Wireless Revolution, Women's Health, Workplace, X bearing sperm.

A November 20th 1960 ad from the New York Mirror magazine.



FDA Attacks Complementary & Alternative Healthcare April 27, 2007

Posted by healthyself in Aging, arteriosclerosis, Attention Deficit, Autism, Autism / Asperger's, Biochemical, Bioeffects, Biological Dentistry, Biological Effects, Blogroll, Cancer, Cancer Protection, Cardiac Problems, Cataracts, Childhood Cancer, Childhood Leukemia, Children's health, Chronic Exhaustion, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Illness, Circulation, Cytotoxic Effects, Decision Making, Denial of Risk, Depression, Detoxification, Diabetes, Diseases, DNA Damage, Elderly, Electromagetic pollution, Electromagnetic Communications, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic Radiation, Electromagnetic Signals, Electromagnetic waves, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, ELF, Emergency Medicine, EMF Exposure, EMF Research, EMF Shielding, EMF's, EMF-induced effects, EMR, Environment, Epidemiology, Eye Cancer, FDA, Financial Considerations, Free Radicals, Global Health Disaster, Government's role, headaches, Healing, Health, Health and Safety Officer, Health and Wellness Products, Health related, Health Risks, Health warnings, Hearing, Heart, Heart Attacks, Heart Disease, Heavy Metals, Histamine, Hospitals, HOuseholds, HRD, Human Populations, Human Resources, Illness, Immune system, Immunity, Inflammation, Inner Agitation, Insomnia, Integrative Medicine, Interdisciplinary, Investigators, Kids, Lack of Concentration, Learning, Legal Issues, Leukemia, Lifestyle, Long Term Health Effects, Long Term Health Risks, Low Birth Weight, Lung Disorders, Lymphoma, Medical Research, Medicine, Melatonin, Memory Loss, Men', Men's Health, Menstrual Cycle, Metabolic Changes, Migraines, miscarriages, nausea, nerves, Nervous System, Neural Electrophysiology, Nutrition, Parenting, Permanent Brain Damage, Pets, Poisoning, Pregnant Women, Public Hearings, Public Policy, Pulsed Radiation, Research Needed, Right Side of the Head, ringing, Risk Factor, Risk of Cancer, Risk of Disease, Seizure, sensations, Serotonin, Short-sightedness, Sick People, Sleep, Sleep Centers, Sleep Disorders, Sleep disturbances, Solutions, Species-Limiting, Spine, Stress, Stroke, Subtle Energies, Symptoms, Teenagers, teeth grinding, Tinnitus, Toxic Interactions, tumorigenesis, Tumors, Tweenies, Vibrational Medicine, Viruses, Vision, Well-Being, White Blood Cells, Who is Affected?, Women, Women's Health, X bearing sperm, Y-bearing sperm.

This is a little bit off topic, but so many people use these therapies to counteract EMF’s, it seemed important to share what was sent….there are three days left to write to Congress.

“… just spent three days reading, re-reading, researching and discussing the proposed FDA guidelines for “Complementary and Alternative Medicine” with two FDA attorneys. You can download a copy of this proposal for yourself at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dockets/06d0480/06d0480.htm.

” this FDA attack on complementary and alternative health care, …considered it another “Chicken Little” rumor. On further study, I’m appalled at the speed with which the pharmaceutical companies are implementing Codex Alimentarius in the USA. If you don’t suspect the pharmaceutical companies control the FDA, you may want to research that further by visiting http://www.HealthFreedomUSA.org.

”This insidious proposal is designed to redefine every complementary and alternative health care modality and product as “medicine.” This has direct implications on the services and products provided by every alternative health care professional. There is no facet of complementary and alternative health care that is not affected. If the FDA adopts this proposal, all natural health care would be illegal even for medical doctors.”

”Essential oils, herbs, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, minerals, nutritional supplements, plant enzymes and vitamins are redefined in this proposal as “medicine.” Very simply, medicine is under the jurisdiction of the FDA and, by law, only licensed medical doctors may prescribe “medicines.” Anybody else who advises, advocates, counsels, distributes, markets, recommends or suggests anybody use “medicine” is practicing medicine without a license. This is a felony in the USA punishable by fines and incarceration.”

”Aromatherapy, auricular therapy, biofeedback, color therapy, homeopathy, hypnotism, naturopathy, neurotherapy, nutritional consulting, reflexology, sound therapy and wellness consulting are among the alternative health modalities being redefined as “Alternative Medicine.” This subtle change of vocabulary from “alternative health care” to “alternative medicine” makes all of these industries subject to control by the FDA as medicine. Only medical doctors would be allowed to provide, prescribe and supervise the delivery of these services. Anybody else who provided any of these services would be practicing medicine without a license and subject to incarceration and fines.”

”That’s the bad news. The good news is we have until April 30, 2007 to voice our opinion against this proposal to eliminate complementary and alternative health care in America. Almost 100,000 people have already filed their objection….”

”Please stand up and be counted. Go to http://tinyurl.com/2u7ghc and file your petition in support of natural health care, in support of complementary and alternative health care as we know it today. If you require more information, please visit http://www.HealthFreedomUSA.org or read the FDA proposed policy.”

Grave cell phone danger—pay attention to this! December 2, 2006

Posted by healthyself in 217 Hz, ADD, Addiction, ADHD, Adolescents, Aging, Allergies, ALS, Alzheimer's, angst, Antennas, Anxiety, arteriosclerosis, Attention, Attention Deficit, Autism / Asperger's, Bioeffects, Biological Activity, Biological Effects, Bioscalar Energy, Birth Defects, Blogroll, Blood Brain Barrier, Blood Pressure, Brain, Brain Cancer, Brainwave Interference, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cardiac Problems, Cell changes, Cell death, cell membrane, Cell phone safety, Cell phone towers, Cell Phones, Cells, Cellular Morphology, Central Nervous System, Childhood Leukemia, Children, Children's health, Chromosomal damage, Chronic Exhaustion, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Illness, Circadian rhythms, Circulation, Coherence, Communication, Community, Concentration, Connective Tissue Pains, Conversations, Cordless Phones, Cytotoxic Effects, Death, Dementia, Depression, Diagnostic marker, Digital, Dizziness, DNA, Dopamine, Ear, ear ache, earphones, EEG, Elderly, Electrical Components, Electrical Pulses, Electrical Surges, Electrical Wiring, Electrochemical, electromagnetic, Electromagnetic Communications, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Interference, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic Radiation, Electromagnetic waves, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, ELF, Emergency Medicine, EMF Research, EMF's, Employees, EMR, Endogenous Fields, Energy, Environment, Epidemiologists, Epidemiology, Epilepsy, Exposure, Eye Cancer, Eyes, Family, Fatigue, Fiber Optic, Flickering, Free Radicals, Frequencies, Games and Gaming, genes, genetic damage, grams of tissue, Hand Portables, Handheld Units, Harmonics, headaches, Healing, Health, Health related, Hearing, Heart, Heart Disease, heat, Heavy Metals, HF, High Frequencies, high voltage transmission lines, Hormones, HOuseholds, HRD, Human Resources, Humor, Imbalances, Immune system, Inflammation, Infrared, Inner Agitation, Insomnia, Integrative Medicine, Interdisciplinary, Internet, Intuition, Kids, Lack of Concentration, Learning, Legal Issues, LF, Lifestyle, Long Term Health Risks, Lymphoma, MCS, Medical Research, Medicine, Memory, Memory Loss, Men', Men's Health, Metabolic Changes, Metal Roofs, Microwave exposure, Migraines, Military, miscarriages, Mitigation, mobile telephones, Monitoring, Movement, nausea, nerves, Neural Electrophysiology, Neurasthenia, neurological, neuroma, neurons, neurosurgeons, Neurotransmitters, Noise, Non Profit Organizations, Non-Thermal Levels, Nutrition, oncogenes, Optical, Overtones, Pain, Pain Perception, Panic Attacks, Paralysis, Parenting, Penetration, People in Laboratories, Pets, Pineal Gland, Pregnant Women, pressure, Proteins, Public Policy, Pulsed Radiation, Pulses, radiation, Radio Frequency Radiation, Reaction Time, Research, Research Needed, ringing, ringtones, Risk Factor, Risk of Disease, Safe Levels, Safety, SAR, School administrators, School Boards, Schools, Seizure, sensations, Sick People, signaling enzymes, Sleep, Sleep disturbances, Stress, Symptoms, Teenagers, Telecommunications, Telephony, Tinnitus, Toxic Interactions, Traffic Pollution, Tumors, Tweenies, Unified Field, VDT, Vibrational Medicine, Who is Affected?, WiFi, Wireless Phones, Withdrawal, Women, Women's Health, Workplace, X-Rays, zinging/crackling.

By: Will Thomas

Though intended for renovations, Chris Anderson would like all visitors to deposit their cellular phones in the cement mixer by his front door. This sounds excessive – until you step into Anderson’s orchard, where the pegged needle of a shrieking electromagnetic radiation (EMR) meter placed beside a connected cellphone still shows significant exposure 100 feet away.

Much to the chagrin of this certified EMR-mitigation specialist, every day some 300 million cell phone users are “reaching out and touching someone you love. Yourself, and anyone else within range of the microwaves emitted by your cell phone.”……Silicon sensors are already calling to each other. Soon, countless communicating microchips embedded in everything from bumpers to brooms will be sending streams of encoded electrical energy through glass, steel, concrete, bone and flesh. Exquisitely sensitive to subtle electromagnetic harmonies, human brains and bodies as intricate as galaxies depend on tiny electrical impulses to conduct complex life-processes – including the ability to read, recall and respond to these words. Acting as antennas, our anatomies just as easily tune into spurious signals from radio and microwave transmissions. .

….”a worse frequency could not have been chosen for the human anatomy.”

As cell phones conquer consumer minds and markets, researcher Carolanne Patton notes that “the brain reaches peak absorption in the UHF bands, right where cellular telecommunications operate.” British military scientists have discovered that cellphone transmissions disrupt the brain sites for memory and learning, causing forgetfulness and sudden confusion.

Other studies show that electromagnetic signals from cellular phones reduce the ability to concentrate, calculate and coordinate complicated activities such as driving a car. Startled by $4 billion a year in extra claims among cellphone-wielding drivers, North American insurers did a double-take that found simply juggling `cell phones is not causing a 600% increase in accidents over other drivers busy shaving, applying makeup, tuning radios, taming pets, making out, pouring coffee, retrieving dropped cigarettes, talking and gesturing to passengers, or actually steering the vehicle….Instead of just another dangerous distraction, tests conducted by the U.S.Department of Energy found that using a cell phone severely impairs memory and reaction times. “Hands-free” mobile speaker-phones cause even more crashes because they typically emit 10-times more brainwave interference than handheld units.

For all drivers dialing out on their cell phones, University of Toronto investigators report that the heightened probability of cracking up your car persists for up to 15-minutes after completing a call. That’s comparable to the risk of crashing while driving dead drunk exclaims Dr. Chris Runball, chairman of the B.C. Medical Association’s emergency medical services committee. Reeling from “dial-a-collision” costs, the government of British Columbia may join England, Spain, Israel, Switzerland and Brazil in restricting or banning the use of cell phones by drivers.

In New Zealand, cellphone towers are prohibited on school property because of possible health effects.
But Health Canada regulations ignore the hidden hazards of cell-wrenching cellphones, which send pulsed signals through the skull in a process one expert likens to “jackhammers on the brain.”

…. cellphone addiction mirrors the prestigious early allure of smoking – as well as an immensely profitable industry’s steadfast denial of risk and responsibility. …Sir William Stewart told London’s Financial Times that “children may be more vulnerable because of their developing nervous system, the greater absorption of energy in the tissues of the head and a longer lifetime of exposure.”

…a Ph.D. biophysicist warns that headaches, fatigue, lethargy, nausea, dizziness, depression, arteriosclerosis and even Alzheimer’s can result from frequent or prolonged calls on cell phones.

“There is also a higher incidence of cardiac problems,” Cherry comments, “in terms of the timing function in hearts. You get more heart attacks and more heart disease – it has now been shown in many studies.”

…..cell phones can murderously modify moods. In brains and bodies seriously derailed by tiny imbalances in trace minerals and hormones, depression, suicide, anger, rage and violence can result when calcium and serotonin levels are disrupted by cellphone transmissions….
….DNA damage is passed on to succeeding generations.

….we forget how inconvenient it is to contract cancer. …B-cell lymphomas doubled in mice within 18 months of one-hour daily exposure to power densities experienced by a cellphone user. B-cell lymphomas are implicated in 85% of all cancers.

…Sleep disorders, she learned, are common among people exposed to high levels of electromagnetic pollution.

…there is nothing “safe” about the new 1.9 gigahertz broadcasting frequency. Much like a boxer taking repeated blows to the head, rapidly pulsing cellphones signal permanent brain damage. A study by Dr. Peter Franch found unequivocally that “cells are permanently damaged by cellular phone frequencies.” This cellular damage, Franch noted, is maximized at low dosage – and “inherited unchanged, from generation to generation.”

….the production of histamine, which triggers bronchial spasms, is nearly doubled after exposure to mobile phone transmissions. Cellphones also reduce the effectiveness of anti-asthmatic drugs, and retard recovery from illness.

…. 217 Hz spikes are very close to the frequencies of human cell membranes.

…..because cancer takes decades to develop, it will be another 10 or 20 years before “mobiles” manifest a big bonanza in brain tumors. But he adds, we’re already seeing “acute effects that are noticed within minutes of using a cell phone.”

After two minutes’ conversation, a cell phone’s digitized impulses disable the safety barrier that isolates the brain from destructive proteins and poisons in the blood.

…If you must pack a cell phone, treat it like a loaded pistol. Keep it turned off. Don’t carry it near ovaries, testicles, or the heart. For partial protection, buy an antenna shield. Limit calls to one-minute, six to 10 minutes a month. Never fire off a cellphone with children anywhere in sight.

A better bet is to facilitate the growth of organic telephone networks with lots of fibre. Instead of more microwave towers, “We should be wiring up our cities with fibre-optic cables to provide Internet, fax, telephone, radio and television at very high quality,” Cherry urges, “rather than saturating our cities with the microwave, radiowave and low frequency signals all the time.”

When it comes to cells, consciousness and cell phones, every call is collect. How can convenience count more than cancer? What is gained by being in constant contact with disembodied voices, while being “out of touch” with the friends and neighbours around us? Are we comfortable having our location traced by monitoring authorities?

Unless we start voting with our wallets, consumer complacency could prove as species-limiting as corporate cynicism.

“Microwave frequencies are the same as those used in radar and your microwave oven,” … “You wouldn’t think of sticking your head in the oven, but there is no hesitation to putting the cell phone to your ear.”

It’s worth reading this whole article…. put this in your url NOW:


Do You Feel Bioeffects from Electromagnetic Radiation? October 28, 2006

Posted by healthyself in Alzheimer's, Anxiety, Attention Deficit, Biochemical, Bioeffects, Biological Activity, Biological Dentistry, Biological Effects, Blogroll, Buzzing, Cardiac Problems, Cell Phones, Children's health, Chronic Exhaustion, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Illness, Circulation, Clicks, Cordless Phones, Diagnostic marker, Digestion, Dizziness, Ear, ear ache, Electrical Pulses, electromagnetic, Electromagnetic Communications, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Interference, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic Radiation, Electromagnetic waves, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, ELF, Emergency Medicine, EMF Research, EMF's, Environment, Exposure, Fatigue, Frequencies, Health related, Hearing, Heart Disease, HOuseholds, HRD, Inner Agitation, Insomnia, Integrative Medicine, Interdisciplinary, Lack of Concentration, Lifestyle, Long Term Health Risks, MCS, Memory Loss, MHz, Microwave exposure, mobile telephones, nausea, Pain, Pain Perception, Panic Attacks, Paralysis, Pulsed Radiation, Pulses, Research Needed, ringing, Risk Factor, Risk of Disease, Seizure, sensations, Sick People, Sleep disturbances, Stress, Tinnitus, Toxic Interactions, Vibration, Vibrational Medicine, zinging/crackling.

“In a recent ES survey, the five most common symptoms experienced when exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) which are present wherever electric current is running, and which should be considered warning signs, were:
skin itch/rash/flushing/burning and/or tingling,
confusion/poor concentration and/or memory loss,
headache, brain fog, ‘insects crawling’
and chest pain/heart problems.

“Skin problems and memory difficulties tied for first place among the overall symptoms.”
“Research by Professor Olle Johansson at the Karolinska Health Institute in Sweden has objectively confirmed the skin bioeffects using typical mobile phone frequencies. Less commonly reported symptoms included nausea, panic attacks, insomnia, seizures, ear pain/ringing in the ears, feeling a vibration, paralysis, and dizziness. Some ES patients experience only one symptom when EMF exposed, or afterwards, but more often more than one symptom is apparent.””We believe ES results in a special kind of tinnitus, zinging/crackling/clicking rather than whistling/singing. With cardiac effects it is the rhythm that is disturbed, resulting in racing, but also brachycardia, or slowing down.”

“There are many more details all over this website [link below], including personal accounts of what it is like, it frequently is associated with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), there is an unfortunate synergy between the two reactions both contributing to worsening the other.”

“In Sweden ES, or EHS (Electrically Hyper-Sensitive), is an officially recognised condition with 285,000 registered sufferers….”


Microwave Hearing–Buzzing September 21, 2006

Posted by healthyself in 10 GHz, 400 MHz, Bioeffects, Biological Effects, Blogroll, Buzzing, Cell phone safety, Cell Phones, Ear, Electrical Surges, electromagnetic, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Electromagnetic waves, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, ELF, Emergency Medicine, EMF Research, EMF's, Environment, Frequencies, Health related, Hearing, Men's Health, MHz, Microwave exposure, Pulsed Radiation, Tinnitus, Who is Affected?, Women's Health.

at least one nonthermal effect occurs immediately, persists during irradiation, and stops when the irradiation is ended: Microwave hearing. This is known to occur for RF in the 400 MHz to 10 GHz range, and it may be reported for exposures below current ICNIRP or other established (but thermal) limits.

The sensation is similar to tinnitus, and some exposed persons may actually think it is tinnitus and perhaps seek treatment for tinnitus. The sensation is a hissing, buzzing, or sizzling sound, sometimes with superposed irregular “popping” sounds. It may be barely recognizable or almost deafeningly loud.


Cell Phones Cause Excitability of the Brain Cells September 19, 2006

Posted by healthyself in Alzheimer's, Antennas, Beta Rhythm, Bioeffects, Biofield, Biological Activity, Biological Dentistry, Biological Effects, Blogroll, Brain, Brain Cancer, Cancer, Cancer Protection, Cell phone industry, Cell phone safety, Cell Phones, Central Nervous System, Community, Consciousness, Cordless Phones, Dementia, Digital, Electrical Surges, Electrochemical, electromagnetic, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Electromagnetic waves, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, ELF, Emergency Medicine, EMF Research, EMF's, EMR, Environment, Epilepsy, Extra-Sensory Perception, Eye Cancer, Family, headaches, Health related, HOuseholds, Lifestyle, Long Term Health Risks, Men's Health, Microwave exposure, Migraines, Mitigation, Monitoring, nerves, neurological, Oscillate, pressure, Public Policy, Pulsed Radiation, Quantum Physics, radiation, Resonance, Resonant Frequency, Stroke, Tinnitus, Toxin, transmission, VDT, Vibration, Vibrational Medicine, Women's Health.
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“Cell phones appear to have a measurable physical impact on parts of your brain, new Italian research contends.”

Such an impact could possibly help if you suffer from migraines or other neurological disorders, the authors of a study published in the August issue of Annals of Neurology suggest.”

“And it could hurt if you have epilepsy or a brain disease.”

“Either way, the researchers and other experts caution, much more research needs to be done before any definitive conclusions can be drawn.”

“The researchers from Fatebenefratelli Hospital in Isola Tiberina, found that the electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted by cell phones can cause some cells in the brain’s cortex adjacent to the side of phone use to become excited, while others become inhibited.”

“They suggest that this could have beneficial effects for people with migraines, stroke or dementia, and possibly detrimental effects for those with epilepsy, the study authors suggested.”

“It should be argued that long-lasting and repeated exposure to EMFs linked with intense use of cellular phones in daily life might be harmful or beneficial in brain-diseased subjects. Further studies are needed to better circumstantiate these conditions and to provide safe rules for the use of this increasingly more widespread device,” the authors wrote.

“E. Roy John, director of New York University Medical Center’s Brain Research Laboratories, said, “Using a cell phone is not innocuous. It has an effect on your brain. Whether that’s good or bad, we don’t yet know, but it’s definitely having an effect.”….…for now, all that’s known for sure is that the EMF emitted by a cell phone can cause increased excitability in certain brain cells.


While a certain frequency could possibly, accidentally, have a positive effect on someone with a particular malfunction, wouldn’t it be much better to apply such a treatment in a manner that is understood, known and given in the proper amount? We may not know enough about which frequencies help or hinder which processes; or if we do, the information is not being shared with the cell phone companies. It seems that companies are using any frequency that has been available for purchase, without really knowing the effects of that frequency on different kinds of people in different kinds of circumstances, such as distance, size of the skull, etc. This is not good medicine. Personally, I’d rather go to a neurologist than a cell phone company for “brain” treatment.

Common Initial Symptoms of EMF Health Effects September 9, 2006

Posted by healthyself in Amalgam filings, Attention Deficit, Bioeffects, Biological Dentistry, Biological Effects, Blogroll, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Brain Cancer, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cataracts, Cell changes, Cell phone safety, Cells, Central Nervous System, Children's health, Chromosomal damage, Chronic Exhaustion, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Illness, Circulation, Connective Tissue Pains, Depression, Diabetes, Diagnostic marker, Dizziness, Ear, ear ache, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic waves, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, ELF, Emergency Medicine, EMF Research, EMF's, Employees, EMR, Environment, Fatigue, Free Radicals, genes, Health related, Heart, heat, Heavy Metals, Immune system, Inflammation, Inner Agitation, Lack of Concentration, Learning, Lethargy, Long Term Health Risks, Low Frequencies, Memory Loss, Men's Health, MHz, Microwave exposure, nerves, neurological, Noise, Nose, Ocular, Pulsed Radiation, radiation, Risk of Disease, sensations, Sick People, Sleep disturbances, Sound, Stress, Suicide, Susceptibility to Infection, Sweat, Symptoms, Tinnitus, Tumors, Vibration, Vision, Who is Affected?, Women, Women's Health.
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Altered sugar metabolism
  • Anxiety
  • Behavioural disorders (e.g. attention deficit disorder, ADD)
  • Brain-degenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer–s)
  • Burning skin
  • Calcium efflux, at the near level, as false sensation
  • Cancerous afflictions: leukaemia, brain tumours
  • Cardiac: palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath
  • Chronic exhaustion
  • Concentration problems
  •  Depression
  • Dermatological: skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing
  • Deteriorating fillings
  • Deteriorating vision
  • Digestive problems
  • Dizziness
  • Dizziness to the point of falling over
  • Dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes; great thirst; dehydration
  • Enlarged thyroid
  • Epilepsy
  • Extreme fluctuations in blood pressure, ever harder to influence with medications
  •  Fatigue
  • Flu-like” symptoms, fever. More severe reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke
  • Hair loss
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Hearing noise
  • Heart attacks
  • Heart rhythm disorders
  • Immune abnormalities
  • Impaired sense of smell
  • Increases in Blood Sugar
  • Inner agitation
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Itching
  • Learning
  • Memory loss
  • Multiple Sclerosis symptoms
  • Nausea
  • Nervous and connective tissue pains, for which the usual causes do not explain even the most conspicuous symptoms
  • Neurological: headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and joint pain, leg/foot pain
  • Nosebleeds; internal bleeding;
  • Ophthalmologic: pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts.
  • Pain in the teeth;
  • Redistribution of metals within the body;
  • Respiratory: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma.
  • Ringing in the ears.
  • Seeing flashes
  • Skin rash
  • Sleeplessness, daytime sleepiness
  • Strokes among an increasingly younger population
  • Susceptibility to infection
  • Sweating, cold sweating, tremors
  • Testicular/ovarian pain
  • Tingling
  • Tinnitus
  • Tremors
  • Vertigo
  • Weakness


Physician Petition about EMF’s September 7, 2006

Posted by healthyself in ADD, ADHD, Adolescents, ALS, Alzheimer's, Attention, Attention Deficit, Bioeffects, Biological Effects, Birth Defects, Blogroll, Blood Pressure, Brain, Brain Cancer, Cancer, Cell changes, Cell phone industry, Cell phone safety, Cells, Central Nervous System, CFIDS, Children, Children's health, Chromosomal damage, Chronic Exhaustion, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Illness, Connective Tissue Pains, Cordless Phones, Death, Diagnostic marker, Digital, DNA, Elderly, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic waves, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, ELF, Emergency Medicine, EMF Research, EMF's, Employees, EMR, Environment, Epilepsy, Family, Fatigue, Games and Gaming, Hand Portables, headaches, Health related, Heart, Heavy Metals, High Frequencies, high voltage transmission lines, Hormones, HOuseholds, Hz, Immune system, Infant Death Syndrome, Inner Agitation, Lack of Concentration, Learning, Leukemia, Lifestyle, Long Term Health Risks, Low Frequencies, MCS, Men's Health, MHz, Microwave exposure, miscarriages, mobile telephones, nerves, Parenting, Politics, Pregnant Women, pressure, Pulsed Radiation, radiation, Research, Risk of Disease, Safe Levels, Sick People, Sleep disturbances, Stress, Susceptibility to Infection, Teenagers, Tinnitus, transmission, Tumors, Tweenies, Who is Affected?, WiFi, Women's Health, Workplace.

A Physician Petition: the Freiburger Appeal

“Hundreds of physicians have been signing a petition that raises health concerns over mobile phone technology: base stations, mobile phones and digital cordless phones. The appeal states:

We have observed, in recent years, a dramatic rise in severe and chronic diseases among our patients, especially:

  • Learning, concentration, and behavioural disorders (e.g. attention deficit disorder, ADD)
  • Extreme fluctuations in blood pressure, ever harder to influence with medications
  • Heart rhythm disorders
  • Heart attacks and strokes among an increasingly younger population
  • Brain-degenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer–s) and epilepsy
  • Cancerous afflictions: leukaemia, brain tumours”

“Moreover, we have observed an ever-increasing occurrence of various disorders, often misdiagnosed in patients as psychosomatic:

  • Headaches, migraines
  • Chronic exhaustion
  • Inner agitation
  • Sleeplessness, daytime sleepiness
  • Tinnitus
  • Susceptibility to infection
  • Nervous and connective tissue pains, for which the usual causes do not explain even the most conspicuous symptoms”

“The Freiburger Appeal states: “We can no longer believe this to be purely coincidence, far too often do we observe a marked concentration of particular illnesses in correspondingly HFMR-polluted areas or apartments. Too often does a long-term disease or affliction improve or disappear in a relatively short time after reduction or elimination of HFMR pollution in the patient’s environment. Too often are our observations confirmed by on-site measurements of HFMR of unusual intensity. On the basis of our daily experiences, we hold the current mobile communications technology (introduced in 1992 and since then globally extensive) and cordless digital telephones (DECT standard) to be among the fundamental triggers for this fatal development. One can no longer evade these pulsed microwaves. They heighten the risk of already-present chemical/physical influences, stress the body–s immune system, and can bring the body–s still-functioning regulatory mechanisms to a halt. Pregnant women, children, adolescents, elderly and sick people are especially at risk.”