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Find where the antennas and towers are near your home or office November 22, 2011

Posted by healthyself in Antennas, Cell phone safety, Cell phone towers, Towers.
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Cell Phones Do Cause Brain Tumors October 28, 2011

Posted by healthyself in airplane mode, Auditory Nerve, Bluetooth, Brain, Brain Cancer, Cancer, Cell phone safety, Children, Children's health, Energy, Glioma, Heavy Use, non-ionizing radiation, Parotid Gland, Sperm Counts, Text, Tumors.
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Cell Phones Do Cause Brain Tumors
Magda Havas, PhD, Cell Phones Do Cause Brain Tumors
Trent University, September 15, 2011

“About nine out of 10 US households now have at least one cell phone — and that doesn’t include other wireless devices, such as cordless phones, iPads, baby monitors and computers.”

“Result: The average adult (and child) is flooded with nonionizing radiation, a form of energy that — for the first time — has been officially linked to ­cancer. In May, a panel of the World Health Organization (WHO) listed cell phones as a class 2b carcinogen, which means that it’s “possible” that cell phones, like some industrial chemicals, increase the risk for cancer.”

“This conclusion has been disputed by many scientists. But careful analysis of the best studies to date indicate that people who log the most cell-phone minutes are more likely to develop ­tumors on the same side of the head that they hold the cell phone, compared with those who use cell phones less often.”

Disturbing Research

“The largest study of cell-phone use, known as INTERPHONE, was conducted in 13 countries over a 10-year period. The study, published in International Journal of Epidemiology, found that people who used cell phones for at least 1,640 hours over the 10-year period — that comes to about 30 minutes a day — had a 40% higher risk of developing a glioma, a deadly type of brain tumor.”

“Disturbing: The development of a brain tumor to the point that it can be detected often takes 20 to 30 years. The fact that these tumors are showing up after 10 years of exposure is disturbing because it is much faster than expected.”

“Previous studies have linked frequent or prolonged cell-phone use to an increase in parotid (salivary gland) and auditory nerve tumors.”

“The actual risk probably is ­higher than the studies indicate. The INTERPHONE study defined “heavy use” as using a cell phone for about 30 minutes a day. That’s a fraction of the time that many people currently spend on their cell phones.”

“Also, the study looked only at adults, even though young people are frequent users of cell phones and the ones who face the highest cancer risks from decades of radiation exposure.”

“In addition, the study “diluted” the data by identifying people as regular cell-phone users who may have used their phones only once a week for at least six months. These light users were obviously exposed to far less radiation than heavy users. Including them in the study caused the cancer percentages to appear artificially low. For example, we would not expect someone who smoked one cigarette a week for at least six months to develop lung cancer.”

Safer Use

“Skeptics of cell-phone dangers argue that nonionizing radiation is too weak to heat tissues or break chemical bonds, factors that are known to increase cancer risks. But recent studies indicate damage to DNA in rat brains exposed to cell-phone radiation, and this type of damage can lead to cancer.”

Ways to stay safe…

“The fine print in cell-phone manuals usually advises users to hold the phone at least 7/8 of an inch away from the ear. Farther is better. Use speakerphone mode.”

“Wait for good reception. Cell phones emit much higher levels of radiation when the antenna is sending out signals to search for a tower or ­satellite. These signals can travel hundreds of miles — and the poorer the reception, the greater the radiation emitted by your cell phone.”

Use a hollow-tube headset. This is the safest type of headset because the last few inches, those closest to the ear, consist of a hollow tube. This hollow tube transmits sound like a stethoscope. Wired headsets need to be kept away from the body because the continuous wire that runs from the phone to the earpiece will expose you to some unnecessary radiation. Hollow-tube headsets can be purchased at http://www.Mercola.com or http://www.WaveShield.com/products.”

Use “airplane mode.” Even when you’re not talking on a cell phone, the phone is sending out signals every few minutes to search for the nearest tower. Turn off the phone when you’re not using it. Or switch it to airplane mode so that it can’t send or receive signals, but you still can use the phone to listen to music, watch videos and check your calendar.”

“Keep the phone on your desk when working. When the phone is switched on, don’t keep it in your pocket or attached to your belt. This is particularly important for men. Preliminary research indicates that men who keep their phones close to their bodies (often in holsters or pockets) have lower sperm counts and poorer sperm quality than those without this exposure. We do not know the effects on egg cells because they are more difficult to harvest.”

“Caution: The worst way to use a Bluetooth wireless headset is to place it on your ear with the cell phone in your pocket. This way, your head and lower body are both being irradiated. A better way to use a Bluetooth is to keep the cell phone on a table several feet away from all body parts and to periodically move the earpiece from one ear to the other to minimize one-side radiation exposure.”

Text instead of talk. There’s a burst of radiation when you send or receive a text message, but the intensity and duration of the radiation are lower than when you talk. Texting is a better alternative to talking on your cell phone, but keep the phone as far away from your body as possible. Normal clothing, including leather, will not reduce your exposure.”

Don’t use your phone in a car, train or bus. Using a cell phone inside a metal vehicle can increase levels of radiation due to reflection and the fact that your cell-phone signal has to be higher to exit the vehicle. The best practice is to keep the phone off or in airplane mode and to check it periodically for messages. Then return messages by text or use a landline phone later.”


Steps You Can Take to Protect Yourself and Your Family March 12, 2011

Posted by healthyself in "Cellular" Relay Antennas, Adolescents, Alarming, Amplified Signals, Antennas, Biological Effects, Biologically Signficant, Blogroll, Brain Cancer, Cell phone safety, Cell Phone Transmissions, Cell Phones, Cellular Damage, Childhood Cancer, Children, Children's health, Cordless Telephone Base Units, Danger, Dangerous, Denial of Risk, Electromagnetic Radiation, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog meter, EMF Exposure, EMF Research, EMF-induced effects, Exposure, Health Deterioratrion, Health Risk, Health Risks, Human Populations, Kids, Landline, Lifestyle, Lifetime, Long Term Health Effects, Long Term Health Risks, Medical Research, radiation, RF Meters, Risk of Cancer, Risk of Disease, Smart Meter, Tweenies, Unsafe, Who is Affected?, Wireless Microphones, Wireless Phones, Wireless Revolution, Wireless router.

“Unless you’re willing to give up your wireless conveniences, you need to at least make accommodations to minimize the inherent health risks to yourself and especially your children. Kids growing up today are exposed to an unprecedented amount of radiation and dirty electricity, and we already KNOW that some people simply cannot handle these levels of exposure.

It’s also only a matter of time before this generation of children reaches the age where health deterioration becomes evident. If it’s 30 years, then many of us older folk will die before the health effects become apparent. But 30 years for today’s children is another story—the health effects may hit them before they’ve even entered middle-age!

I also urge you to help spread awareness on this issue. People must be made aware. So please, help educate others, especially those in government responsible for setting exposure guidelines. We recommend you sign the EMF Petition to Congress and support local, national and international advocacy groups in this field.

Also, take as many of these proactive steps as you can to minimize your and your family’s exposure:

  1. Have your child avoid  wireless technology: Barring an emergency, children should not use a cell phone, or a wireless device of any type. Children are far more vulnerable to cell phone radiation than adults, because of their thinner skull bones. One alarming 2008 study indicated that that children and teenagers raise their risk of brain cancer by 500 percent if they use cell phones!
  2. Reduce your cell phone use: Turn your cell phone off more often. Reserve it for emergencies or important matters. As long as your cell phone is on, it emits radiation intermittently, even when you are not actually making a call.
  3. Use a land line at home and at work: Although more and more people are switching to using cell phones as their exclusive phone contact, it is a dangerous trend and you can choose to opt out of the madness.
  4. Reduce or eliminate your use of other wireless devices: You would be wise to cut down your use of wireless and electronic devices. Just as with cell phones, it is important to ask yourself whether or not you really need to use them, how often, and for how long. In your home it is usually a very simple matter to run multiple Ethernet cords to avoid the need for wireless internet and to replace wireless routers and wireless/hard-wire ‘combination’ routers with ‘wired-only routers’.
    Camilla Rees of ElectromagneticHealth.org cautions that in testing many homes she finds the ‘combination’ wireless/wired routers often still emit microwave radiation even if you have a hard-wired Ethernet cord plugged into it and believe you’re not using the wireless part of it! 

    “Sometimes when I visit people’s homes they are concerned because of a new Smart Meter, wondering if that is causing their symptoms, but commonly it turns out very high levels of radiation are coming from a ‘combination’ wired/wireless router, both store-bought routers or those provided by the utility. Naturally, this can be dumbfounding, as all along they assumed they were using a safe router and didn’t know that they were being continually exposed to radiation,” she says.

    “This is not to say that smart meters are not  a problem, but very basic home electronics issues need to be ruled out first and the only way to do that is by measuring with a meter.”

    As for portable phones, if you must use a portable home phone, use the older kind that operates at 900 MHz. They are no safer during calls, but at least many of them do not broadcast constantly even when no call is being made.

    Note that the only way to truly be sure if there is an exposure from your cordless phone is to measure with an electrosmog meter, and it must be one that goes up to the frequency of your portable phone (so old meters won’t help much). Many people buy a meter and go searching for older model portable phones at thrift stores, where there is no packaging and one can actually test the phone.

    As many portable phones are 5.8 Gigahertz, we recommend you look for RF meters that go up to 8 Gigahertz, the highest range now available in a meter suitable for consumers. You can find RF meters at www.emfsafetystore.com. But you can pretty much be sure your portable phone is a problem if the technology is DECT, or digitally enhanced cordless technology.

    Alternatively you can be very careful with the base station placement as that causes the bulk of the problem since it transmits signals 24/7, even when you aren’t talking. So if you can keep the base station at least three rooms away from where you spend most of your time, and especially your bedroom, they may not be as damaging to your health.

    Ideally it would be helpful to turn off your base station every night before you go to bed.

    Obviously, apartment living poses special problems, where you could conceivably be exposed to multiple portable phones and multiple wireless routers from multiple neighbors. In cases like this, not only is it important to minimize exposures from your own personal communications devices, but inevitably, you must learn about measuring/detecting and RF shielding or face the consequences of potentially excessive exposures.

  5. Use your cell phone only where reception is good: The weaker the reception, the more power your phone must use to transmit, and the more power it uses, the more heating it generates (SAR), and the deeper the dangerous radio waves penetrate into your body. Ideally, you should only use your phone with full bars and good reception.
    Also avoid carrying your phone on your body as that merely maximizes any potential exposure. Ideally put it in your purse or carrying bag. Placing a cell phone in a shirt pocket over the heart is asking for trouble, as is placing it in a man’s pocket if he seeks to preserve his fertility.
  6. Don’t assume one cell phone is safer than another.There’s no such thing as a “safe” cell phone. They all create biological effects, and a low SAR phone, depending on the angle with which you use it, or the duration of use, or the location of use, can be more damaging that a higher SAR phone. Consider all cell phones inappropriate in a truly health conscious lifestyle.
  7. Keep your cell phone away from your body when it’s on: The most dangerous place to be, in terms of radiation exposure, is within about six inches of the emitting antenna. You do not want any part of your body within that area.
  8. Respect others who are more sensitive: Some people who have become sensitive can feel the effects of others’ cell phones in the same room, even when it is on but not being used. If you are in a meeting, on public transportation, in a courtroom or other public places, such as a doctor’s office, keep your cell phone turned off out of consideration for the ‘second hand radiation’ effects. Children are also more vulnerable, so please avoid using your cell phone near children.
  9. Use safer headset technology: Wired headsets will certainly allow you to keep the cell phone farther away from your body. However, if a wired headset is not well-shielded — and most of them are not — the wire itself acts as an antenna attracting ambient information carrying radio waves and transmitting radiation directly to your brain.
    Make sure that the wire used to transmit the signal to your ear is shielded. The best kind of headset to use is a combination shielded wire and air-tube headset. These operate like a stethoscope, transmitting the information to your head as an actual sound wave; although there are wires that still must be shielded, there is no metal wire that goes all the way up to your head.”


Disappearing Bees – Mystery Solved! February 1, 2011

Posted by healthyself in Bees, Cell phone safety, Death, Death Rates, Government's role.


This report should have been published more than two years ago, but our governmental protection agencies have been covering it up for more than two years. Now that the true cause has been discovered, the question here is how long will they be allowed to continue to kill the remaining few bees before any legislation will go in to stop the action



Report: USDA also knew about bee-killing pesticide


Monday, January 24, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Neonicotinoids, a class of insecticides that attack insects’ central nervous systems, are increasingly being linked to killing off bees, bats and other pollinators that are essential for growing food. And a two-year-old report just now being released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) adds to the growing body of evidence that these toxic insecticides are a serious threat to not only bees, but also to humans.

It is now widely known that neonicotinoids are a highly-dangerous neurotoxin that absorbs systemically into plants, meaning it makes its way throughout the entire plant, including into the pollen and nectar that bees eat. And these neurotoxins are also a threat to mammals, which includes humans.

Last month, a leaked document revealed that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knowingly approved, and continued to allow approval for, neonicotinoids, despite the fact that they knew the chemicals killed bees. The agency even knew that Bayer CropScience, the purveyor of most of the neonicotinoids used today, had falsified safety data to get them approved in the first place www.naturalnews.com/030921_EPA_pesticides.html

And now it has been revealed that USDA scientists also knew about the dangers associated with neonicotinoids. So why did it take two years for the USDA report to see the light of day? Dr. Jeffrey Pettis and researchers from the U.S. government bee laboratory in Maryland, authors of the USDA study, did not provide an answer to this question. They did admit to the U.K. Independent, however, that their study “has been too long in getting out,” and that it would soon be published in a journal.

Bee Covered With Pollen

Pettis and his team found that neonicotinoids were directly responsible for increasing bees’ susceptibility to infectious diseases, even at levels so low that they are practically undetected. This fact alone debunks the myth perpetuated by Bayer and other neonicotinoid producers that the chemicals are safe when used “properly”, because there, in fact, seems to be no proper or safe level.

“This new research from America confirms that at very, very low concentrations, neonicotinoid chemicals can make a honeybee vulnerable to fatal disease,” said Matt Shardlow, director of the charity Buglife, to the Independent. “If these pesticides are causing large numbers of honeybees, bumblebees, solitary bees, hoverflies and moths to get sick and die from diseases they would otherwise have survived, then neonicotinoid chemicals could be the main cause of both colony collapse disorder and the loss of wild pollinator populations.”

“The weight of evidence against neonicotinoids is becoming irresistible — government should act now to ban the risky use of these toxins.”


Check the safety of your cell phone–lower is better October 21, 2009

Posted by healthyself in Cell phone safety.
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Samsung Impression (SGH-a877) Yes AT&T 0.15 – 0.35 W/kg
Motorola RAZR V8 Yes CellularONE 0.36 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t229 Yes T-Mobile 0.38 W/kg
Samsung Rugby (SGH-a837) Yes AT&T 0.22 – 0.46 W/kg
Samsung Propel Pro (SGH-i627) Yes AT&T 0.14 – 0.47 W/kg
Samsung Gravity (SGH-t459) Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 0.49 W/kg
T-Mobile Sidekick Yes T-Mobile 0.50 W/kg
LG Xenon (GR500) Yes AT&T 0.52 W/kg
Motorola Karma QA1 Yes AT&T 0.55 W/kg
Sanyo Katana II Yes Kajeet 0.22 – 0.55 W/kg
Motorola W260g Yes TracFone 0.57 W/kg
Blackberry Storm 9530 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.57 W/kg
Motorola Stature i9 Yes Boost Mobile, Sprint 0.61 W/kg
Samsung Magnet (SGH-A257) Yes AT&T 0.62 – 0.64 W/kg
Motorola Renegade V950 Yes Sprint 0.66 W/kg
LG CF360 Yes AT&T 0.68 W/kg
Samsung Saga (SCH-i770) Yes Verizon Wireless 0.69 W/kg
Helio Ocean Yes Virgin Mobile 0.72 W/kg
Sony Ericsson W518a Walkman Yes AT&T 0.73 W/kg
Samsung SCH-i760 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.73 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t339 Yes T-Mobile 0.73 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a137 Yes AT&T GoPhone, AT&T 0.20 – 0.76 W/kg
LG LX400 Yes Sprint 0.36 – 0.77 W/kg
LG Voyager (VX10000) Yes Verizon Wireless 0.77 W/kg
Samsung MyShot (SCH-r430) Yes Cricket, MetroPCS 0.78 W/kg
Samsung Exclaim (SPH-m550) Yes Sprint 0.29 – 0.78 W/kg
Samsung Access (SGH-a827) Yes AT&T 0.24 – 0.78 W/kg
Sanyo KATANA LX (SCP-3800) Yes Sprint, CREDO 0.53 – 0.78 W/kg
Motorola W175 Yes TracFone 0.79 W/kg
LG Rhythm (UX585) Yes U.S. Cellular 0.80 W/kg
Motorola MOTO W755 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.80 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t109 Yes T-Mobile 0.80 W/kg
Sony Ericsson W760a Yes AT&T 0.81 W/kg
Nokia 5610 Yes T-Mobile 0.81 W/kg
Samsung Eternity(SGH-a867) Yes AT&T 0.11 – 0.82 W/kg
Nokia 7510 Yes T-Mobile 0.84 W/kg
LG 225 Yes TracFone 0.85 W/kg
HTC Touch Diamond (DIAM400) Yes Verizon Wireless 0.85 W/kg
HTC Touch Diamond Yes Verizon Wireless 0.85 – 0.86 W/kg
HTC Touch Diamond (DIAM500) Yes Sprint, Alltel 0.86 W/kg
ZTE C79 Yes MetroPCS 0.87 W/kg
Nokia 6301 Yes T-Mobile 0.71 – 0.87 W/kg
Sony Ericsson W200a Yes CellularONE 0.87 W/kg
Samsung Slash (SPH-m310) Yes Virgin Mobile 0.87 W/kg
Samsung Gleam (SCH-u700) Yes Verizon Wireless 0.87 W/kg
LG CU405 Yes AT&T GoPhone 0.88 W/kg
Motorola Rapture VU30 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.88 W/kg
Sanyo Katana Yes Kajeet 0.68 – 0.88 W/kg
Motorola RAZR V3 Yes AT&T GoPhone, AT&T, T-Mobile 0.89 W/kg
T-Mobile Sidekick LX Yes T-Mobile 0.89 W/kg
LG Tritan (UX840) Yes U.S. Cellular 0.89 W/kg
HTC Touch PRO Yes Sprint, U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless, CREDO 0.91 W/kg
Sanyo KATANA Eclipse X Yes Sprint 0.60 – 0.91 W/kg
Palm Pre Yes Sprint, Verizon Wireless 0.92 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t439 Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 0.92 W/kg
Nokia 6650 Yes AT&T 0.92 W/kg
Samsung Mantra Yes Virgin Mobile 0.93 W/kg
LG VX5500 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.95 W/kg
LG 600G Yes TracFone 0.96 W/kg
Samsung Renown (SCH-u810) Yes Verizon Wireless 0.96 W/kg
Nokia 6205 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.96 W/kg
Sony Ericsson Z310a Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone 0.96 W/kg
LG LX150 Yes Kajeet 0.76 – 0.96 W/kg
Samsung Propel (SGH-a767) Yes AT&T 0.26 – 0.97 W/kg
Samsung Behold (SGH-t919) Yes T-Mobile 0.99 W/kg
ZTE C78 Yes MetroPCS 0.99 W/kg
LG Neon Yes AT&T, CellularONE 1.00 W/kg
Samsung SGH-T101G Yes TracFone 1.00 W/kg
Nokia 6085 Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone 1.00 W/kg
Nokia 2600 Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone 1.00 W/kg
Samsung MyShot II Yes Cricket 1.00 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8900 Yes AT&T, T-Mobile 1.01 W/kg
Nokia 3220 Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 0.71 – 1.01 W/kg
Nokia 3600 Slide Yes CellularONE 1.01 W/kg
Samsung Rant (SPH-m540) Yes Sprint 0.70 – 1.01 W/kg
Motorola MOTOROKR E8 Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 1.02 W/kg
Motorola i580 Yes Sprint 1.02 W/kg
Helio Ocean2 Yes Virgin Mobile 1.02 W/kg
Samsung Delve (SCH-r800) Yes U.S. Cellular, Alltel 0.80 – 1.04 W/kg
Samsung JACK (i637) Yes AT&T 0.42 – 1.04 W/kg
Samsung JetSet (SCH-r550) Yes Cricket 1.05 W/kg
Samsung Byline (SCH-r310) Yes MetroPCS 0.63 – 1.05 W/kg
Samsung SGH-T349 Yes T-Mobile 1.05 W/kg
Nokia 1680 Yes T-Mobile 1.06 W/kg
Samsung SCH-R311 Yes U.S. Cellular 1.06 W/kg
Samsung SCH-u430 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.07 W/kg
Nokia 7205 Intrigue Yes Verizon Wireless 1.08 W/kg
Motorola Hint QA30 Yes Cricket, U.S. Cellular, MetroPCS 1.08 W/kg
Samsung Glyde (SCH-u940) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.08 W/kg
Motorola W490 Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 1.08 W/kg
Samsung SPH-m220 Yes Sprint, CREDO 0.75 – 1.08 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8320 Yes AT&T 1.08 W/kg
Motorola i365 Yes Sprint 1.09 W/kg
Samsung SPH-m300 Yes Kajeet, CREDO, Sprint 0.79 – 1.09 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8310 Yes AT&T 1.09 W/kg
Samsung Smooth (SCH-u350) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.09 W/kg
LG Dare (VX9700) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.09 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8350i Yes Sprint 1.10 W/kg
Nokia 2610 Yes AT&T GoPhone, CellularONE, T-Mobile, AT&T 1.10 W/kg
Nokia 2760 Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 0.74 – 1.10 W/kg
UTStarcom GTX75 (aka AT&T Quickfire) Yes AT&T 0.36 – 1.10 W/kg
T-Mobile G1 with Google Yes T-Mobile 1.11 W/kg
Samsung SPH-M320 Yes Sprint, CREDO 0.81 – 1.11 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a437 Yes AT&T GoPhone, AT&T 0.72 – 1.11 W/kg
Samsung Step (SCH-r470 Two) Yes U.S. Cellular 1.00 – 1.11 W/kg
Nokia 2605 Mirage Yes Verizon Wireless 1.12 W/kg
UTStarcom CDM7126 Yes Cricket, MetroPCS 1.13 W/kg
Motorola Evoke QA4 Yes Cricket 1.13 W/kg
LG 3280 Yes TracFone 1.13 W/kg
HTC Fuze (RAPH110) Yes AT&T 1.13 W/kg
HTC Fuze Yes AT&T 1.13 W/kg
Samsung Knack (SCH-u310) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.14 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a237 Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone 1.07 – 1.14 W/kg
LG VX8360 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.14 W/kg
LG Lotus (LX600) Yes Sprint 0.90 – 1.15 W/kg
Blackberry Pearl Flip 8220 Yes T-Mobile 1.15 W/kg
Motorola Krave ZN4 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.16 W/kg
Samsung Tint (SCH-R420 Yes MetroPCS 0.68 – 1.17 W/kg
Motorola Clutch i465 Yes Boost Mobile, Sprint 1.17 W/kg
LG CP150 Yes AT&T GoPhone 1.18 W/kg
LG 410G Yes TracFone 1.18 W/kg
LG LX160 Yes Kajeet, Sprint 1.19 W/kg
Apple iPhone 3G S Yes AT&T 0.52 – 1.19 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t819 Yes T-Mobile 1.19 W/kg
Samsung BlackJack II (SGH-i617) Yes AT&T 0.61 – 1.20 W/kg
Samsung SCH-U440 Yes U.S. Cellular 1.13 – 1.21 W/kg
Sanyo PRO-200 Yes Sprint 0.41 – 1.21 W/kg
Samsung Finesse (SCH-r810) Yes MetroPCS 1.22 W/kg
LG CE110 Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone 1.22 W/kg
Motorola MOTOACTV W450 Yes T-Mobile 1.23 W/kg
Motorola MOTORAKR Z6m Yes MetroPCS 1.23 W/kg
Samsung Solstice (SGH-A877) Yes AT&T 0.67 – 1.23 W/kg
Sony Ericsson C905a Cyber-shot Yes AT&T, CellularONE 0.67 – 1.23 W/kg
Motorola The Buzz ic502 Yes Sprint 1.24 W/kg
Blackberry Pearl 8110 Yes AT&T 1.24 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t219 Yes T-Mobile 1.24 W/kg
Sanyo PRO-700 Yes Sprint 0.54 – 1.24 W/kg
Nokia 5310 Yes T-Mobile 1.11 – 1.25 W/kg
Nokia 5310 Xpress Music Yes CellularONE 1.25 W/kg
Sanyo SCP-2700 Yes Sprint, CREDO 1.16 – 1.25 W/kg
Motorola RAZR V3i Yes CellularONE, AT&T, T-Mobile 1.26 W/kg
Samsung SCH-r211 Yes Cricket 1.26 W/kg
LG VU (CU915) Yes AT&T 1.26 W/kg
LG Chocolate 3 (VX8560) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.26 W/kg
Helio Fin Yes Virgin Mobile 0.53 – 1.27 W/kg
Nokia 3606 Yes Cricket 1.27 W/kg
Samsung Sway (SCH-u650) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.28 W/kg
Blackberry 8820 Yes AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless 1.28 W/kg
LG enV Touch (VX11000,Voyager 2) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.28 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a637 Yes AT&T 0.45 – 1.28 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a737 Yes AT&T 0.43 – 1.28 W/kg
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Yes CellularONE 1.29 W/kg
Motorola Moto Q Global Yes AT&T 1.29 W/kg
Verizon Wireless CDM8975PTT Yes Verizon Wireless 1.30 W/kg
LG INCITE (CT810) Yes AT&T 1.30 W/kg
Samsung Epix (SGH-i907) Yes AT&T 0.52 – 1.30 W/kg
LG LX290 Yes Sprint 1.04 – 1.30 W/kg
Motorola i880 Yes Sprint 1.30 W/kg
LG 200C Yes TracFone 1.30 W/kg
Motorola MOTO Q 9m Yes Verizon Wireless 1.30 W/kg
Cricket TXTM8 Yes Cricket 1.30 W/kg
Verizon Wireless CDM8975 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.30 W/kg
Samsung SCH-u410 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.31 W/kg
LG enV 3 (VX9200) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.31 W/kg
Samsung Juke (SCH-u470) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.31 W/kg
Nokia Surge 6790 Yes AT&T 1.31 W/kg
Samsung Omnia (SCH-i910) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.31 W/kg
Motorola W376g Yes TracFone 1.32 W/kg
Motorola Tundra VA76r Yes AT&T 1.32 W/kg
Samsung Instinct s30 Yes Sprint 1.05 – 1.33 W/kg
Nokia 6555 Yes AT&T 0.93 – 1.33 W/kg
Motorola V176 Yes TracFone 1.33 W/kg
Motorola MOTORAZR VE20 Yes Sprint, U.S. Cellular 1.34 W/kg
LG Invision (CB630) Yes AT&T 1.34 W/kg
Samsung Trance (SCH-u490) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.34 W/kg
Samsung SCH-u540 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.34 W/kg
Verizon Wireless G’zOne Type S Yes Verizon Wireless 1.34 W/kg
Verizon Wireless G’zOne Type S PTT Yes Verizon Wireless 1.34 W/kg
LG enV 2 (VX9100) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.34 W/kg
Motorola MotoEM330 Yes AT&T 1.35 W/kg
Palm Centro Yes AT&T, CellularONE, Sprint, Verizon Wireless 1.09 – 1.35 W/kg
Samsung SPH-z400 Yes Sprint 0.72 – 1.36 W/kg
Motorola MOTOROKR U9 Yes CellularONE 1.36 W/kg
LG LX370 Yes Sprint 0.90 – 1.36 W/kg
Samsung ACE (SPH-i325) Yes Sprint 1.00 – 1.36 W/kg
Motorola C261 Yes TracFone 1.38 W/kg
LG Versa (VX9600) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.38 W/kg
Verizon Wireless CDM8950 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.38 W/kg
Nokia 1606 Yes Cricket, MetroPCS 1.38 W/kg
Samsung SCH-u340 Yes Cricket, U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless 1.38 W/kg
Apple iPhone 3G Yes AT&T 0.24 – 1.39 W/kg
Samsung SCH-u550 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.39 W/kg
Helio Mysto Yes Virgin Mobile 1.21 – 1.39 W/kg
Motorola W370 Yes TracFone 1.40 W/kg
Samsung FlipShot (SCH-u900) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.40 W/kg
Motorola RAZR V3s Yes MetroPCS 1.40 W/kg
Nokia E71 Yes CellularONE 1.23 – 1.40 W/kg
Palm Treo PRO (T850EWW) Yes Sprint 1.40 W/kg
Nokia E71x Yes AT&T 1.41 W/kg
Sony Ericsson Z750a Yes AT&T 1.42 W/kg
Samsung Messager, Mister Cartoon (SCH-r450) Yes Cricket, MetroPCS 1.42 W/kg
Motorola C139 Yes TracFone 1.43 W/kg
Blackberry 8703e Yes Verizon Wireless 1.44 W/kg
Samsung Highnote (SPH-m630) Yes Sprint 0.74 – 1.45 W/kg
Motorola i576 Yes Sprint 1.45 W/kg
Motorola i776 Yes Sprint 1.45 W/kg
Motorola Adventure V750 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.45 W/kg
Motorola Boost i776 Yes Boost Mobile 1.45 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a777 Yes AT&T 0.63 – 1.46 W/kg
Samsung Instinct (SPH-m800) Yes Sprint 1.16 – 1.46 W/kg
Firefly GlowPhone Yes CellularONE 1.46 W/kg
Samsung Spex (SCH-r210) Yes Cricket, U.S. Cellular 1.46 W/kg
Blackberry 8700g Yes T-Mobile 1.46 W/kg
Kyocera Neo E1100 Yes U.S. Cellular, MetroPCS 1.46 W/kg
Helio Heat Yes Virgin Mobile 0.85 – 1.46 W/kg
Sony Ericsson TM506 Yes T-Mobile 1.46 W/kg
Blackberry 8830 World Edition Yes U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless, Sprint 1.46 W/kg
Blackberry Pearl 8120 Yes T-Mobile, AT&T 1.48 W/kg
Sanyo S1 Yes Sprint 1.46 – 1.48 W/kg
Blackberry Pearl 8130 Yes Sprint, U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless 1.48 W/kg
Motorola MOTOSLVR L9 Yes CellularONE 1.48 W/kg
HTC SMT 5800 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.49 W/kg
Kyocera Melo S1300 Yes MetroPCS 1.11 – 1.50 W/kg
Kyocera S1300 Yes Cricket 1.11 – 1.50 W/kg
Nokia 1006 Yes MetroPCS 1.50 W/kg
Motorola V365 Yes AT&T 1.51 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8300 Yes T-Mobile, AT&T 1.51 W/kg
Blackberry Bold 9000 Yes AT&T 1.51 W/kg
LG Rumor2 (LX265) Yes Sprint 1.04 – 1.51 W/kg
Motorola MOTO VE240 Yes Cricket, MetroPCS 1.52 W/kg
Motorola i335 Yes Sprint 1.53 W/kg
Motorola C290 Yes Kajeet, Sprint 1.53 W/kg
T-Mobile Shadow Yes T-Mobile 1.53 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8330 Yes Sprint, U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless, MetroPCS, CREDO 1.54 W/kg
Motorola W385 Yes U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless 1.54 W/kg
Motorola MOTO VU204 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.55 W/kg
Kyocera Jax S1300 Yes Virgin Mobile 1.55 W/kg
T-Mobile myTouch 3G Yes T-Mobile 1.55 W/kg
Kyocera K132 Yes Cricket N/A
Kyocera TNT! S2400 Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
Cricket EZ Yes Cricket N/A
HTC Touch Yes CellularONE N/A
Motorola Boost i776w Yes Boost Mobile N/A
Blackberry Tour 9630 Smartphone Yes Sprint N/A
Motorola W315 Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Pantech C630 Yes AT&T N/A
Kyocera Marbl K127 Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
LG Wine (UX280) Yes U.S. Cellular N/A
Motorola Multimedia RAZR Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Pantech Matrix Pro Yes AT&T N/A
LG Shine (CU720) Yes AT&T N/A
HTC Touch Diamond XV6950 Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Motorola Q9 Yes CellularONE N/A
Kyocera K126C Yes TracFone N/A
Blackberry Pearl Flip 8230 Yes U.S. Cellular N/A
Pantech Matrix Yes AT&T N/A
Motorola RAZR Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Sierra Wireless 598U Yes Sprint N/A
Pantech C610 Yes AT&T N/A
Kyocera X-tc M2000 Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
LG Rumor Yes Kajeet N/A
Motorola MOTO Q 9c Yes CREDO, Sprint N/A
Sony z555a Yes CellularONE N/A
Pantech Breeze Yes AT&T N/A
Pantech Slate (C530) Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone N/A
HTC Touch (ELF0100) Yes CellularONE, U.S. Cellular N/A
Motorola Boost i290 Yes Boost Mobile N/A
HTC Snap Yes Sprint N/A
Motorola i920 Yes Sprint N/A
Motorola Renew W233 Yes T-Mobile N/A
Sony Ericsson F305 Yes CellularONE N/A
LG Flare (LX165) Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
Blackberry Curve 8830 Yes Sprint N/A
Motorola Boost i335 Yes Boost Mobile N/A
Motorola KRZR Yes CellularONE N/A
Motorola V170 Yes TracFone N/A
Sony Ericsson W350 Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone N/A
Kyocera Mako S4000 Yes MetroPCS N/A
Cricket A100 Yes Cricket N/A
Motorola V195s Yes T-Mobile N/A
Samsung t636 Yes CellularONE N/A
Verizon Wireless G’zOne Boulder Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Verizon Wireless Blitz Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Verizon Wireless XV6900 Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
UTStarcom Shuttle Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
UTStarcom Arc Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
Palm Treo 755p Yes Sprint N/A
Samsung Impression (SGH-a877) Yes AT&T 0.15 – 0.35 W/kg
Motorola RAZR V8 Yes CellularONE 0.36 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t229 Yes T-Mobile 0.38 W/kg
Samsung Rugby (SGH-a837) Yes AT&T 0.22 – 0.46 W/kg
Samsung Propel Pro (SGH-i627) Yes AT&T 0.14 – 0.47 W/kg
Samsung Gravity (SGH-t459) Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 0.49 W/kg
T-Mobile Sidekick Yes T-Mobile 0.50 W/kg
LG Xenon (GR500) Yes AT&T 0.52 W/kg
Motorola Karma QA1 Yes AT&T 0.55 W/kg
Sanyo Katana II Yes Kajeet 0.22 – 0.55 W/kg
Motorola W260g Yes TracFone 0.57 W/kg
Blackberry Storm 9530 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.57 W/kg
Motorola Stature i9 Yes Boost Mobile, Sprint 0.61 W/kg
Samsung Magnet (SGH-A257) Yes AT&T 0.62 – 0.64 W/kg
Motorola Renegade V950 Yes Sprint 0.66 W/kg
LG CF360 Yes AT&T 0.68 W/kg
Samsung Saga (SCH-i770) Yes Verizon Wireless 0.69 W/kg
Helio Ocean Yes Virgin Mobile 0.72 W/kg
Sony Ericsson W518a Walkman Yes AT&T 0.73 W/kg
Samsung SCH-i760 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.73 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t339 Yes T-Mobile 0.73 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a137 Yes AT&T GoPhone, AT&T 0.20 – 0.76 W/kg
LG LX400 Yes Sprint 0.36 – 0.77 W/kg
LG Voyager (VX10000) Yes Verizon Wireless 0.77 W/kg
Samsung MyShot (SCH-r430) Yes Cricket, MetroPCS 0.78 W/kg
Samsung Exclaim (SPH-m550) Yes Sprint 0.29 – 0.78 W/kg
Samsung Access (SGH-a827) Yes AT&T 0.24 – 0.78 W/kg
Sanyo KATANA LX (SCP-3800) Yes Sprint, CREDO 0.53 – 0.78 W/kg
Motorola W175 Yes TracFone 0.79 W/kg
LG Rhythm (UX585) Yes U.S. Cellular 0.80 W/kg
Motorola MOTO W755 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.80 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t109 Yes T-Mobile 0.80 W/kg
Sony Ericsson W760a Yes AT&T 0.81 W/kg
Nokia 5610 Yes T-Mobile 0.81 W/kg
Samsung Eternity(SGH-a867) Yes AT&T 0.11 – 0.82 W/kg
Nokia 7510 Yes T-Mobile 0.84 W/kg
LG 225 Yes TracFone 0.85 W/kg
HTC Touch Diamond (DIAM400) Yes Verizon Wireless 0.85 W/kg
HTC Touch Diamond Yes Verizon Wireless 0.85 – 0.86 W/kg
HTC Touch Diamond (DIAM500) Yes Sprint, Alltel 0.86 W/kg
ZTE C79 Yes MetroPCS 0.87 W/kg
Nokia 6301 Yes T-Mobile 0.71 – 0.87 W/kg
Sony Ericsson W200a Yes CellularONE 0.87 W/kg
Samsung Slash (SPH-m310) Yes Virgin Mobile 0.87 W/kg
Samsung Gleam (SCH-u700) Yes Verizon Wireless 0.87 W/kg
LG CU405 Yes AT&T GoPhone 0.88 W/kg
Motorola Rapture VU30 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.88 W/kg
Sanyo Katana Yes Kajeet 0.68 – 0.88 W/kg
Motorola RAZR V3 Yes AT&T GoPhone, AT&T, T-Mobile 0.89 W/kg
T-Mobile Sidekick LX Yes T-Mobile 0.89 W/kg
LG Tritan (UX840) Yes U.S. Cellular 0.89 W/kg
HTC Touch PRO Yes Sprint, U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless, CREDO 0.91 W/kg
Sanyo KATANA Eclipse X Yes Sprint 0.60 – 0.91 W/kg
Palm Pre Yes Sprint, Verizon Wireless 0.92 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t439 Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 0.92 W/kg
Nokia 6650 Yes AT&T 0.92 W/kg
Samsung Mantra Yes Virgin Mobile 0.93 W/kg
LG VX5500 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.95 W/kg
LG 600G Yes TracFone 0.96 W/kg
Samsung Renown (SCH-u810) Yes Verizon Wireless 0.96 W/kg
Nokia 6205 Yes Verizon Wireless 0.96 W/kg
Sony Ericsson Z310a Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone 0.96 W/kg
LG LX150 Yes Kajeet 0.76 – 0.96 W/kg
Samsung Propel (SGH-a767) Yes AT&T 0.26 – 0.97 W/kg
Samsung Behold (SGH-t919) Yes T-Mobile 0.99 W/kg
ZTE C78 Yes MetroPCS 0.99 W/kg
LG Neon Yes AT&T, CellularONE 1.00 W/kg
Samsung SGH-T101G Yes TracFone 1.00 W/kg
Nokia 6085 Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone 1.00 W/kg
Nokia 2600 Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone 1.00 W/kg
Samsung MyShot II Yes Cricket 1.00 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8900 Yes AT&T, T-Mobile 1.01 W/kg
Nokia 3220 Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 0.71 – 1.01 W/kg
Nokia 3600 Slide Yes CellularONE 1.01 W/kg
Samsung Rant (SPH-m540) Yes Sprint 0.70 – 1.01 W/kg
Motorola MOTOROKR E8 Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 1.02 W/kg
Motorola i580 Yes Sprint 1.02 W/kg
Helio Ocean2 Yes Virgin Mobile 1.02 W/kg
Samsung Delve (SCH-r800) Yes U.S. Cellular, Alltel 0.80 – 1.04 W/kg
Samsung JACK (i637) Yes AT&T 0.42 – 1.04 W/kg
Samsung JetSet (SCH-r550) Yes Cricket 1.05 W/kg
Samsung Byline (SCH-r310) Yes MetroPCS 0.63 – 1.05 W/kg
Samsung SGH-T349 Yes T-Mobile 1.05 W/kg
Nokia 1680 Yes T-Mobile 1.06 W/kg
Samsung SCH-R311 Yes U.S. Cellular 1.06 W/kg
Samsung SCH-u430 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.07 W/kg
Nokia 7205 Intrigue Yes Verizon Wireless 1.08 W/kg
Motorola Hint QA30 Yes Cricket, U.S. Cellular, MetroPCS 1.08 W/kg
Samsung Glyde (SCH-u940) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.08 W/kg
Motorola W490 Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 1.08 W/kg
Samsung SPH-m220 Yes Sprint, CREDO 0.75 – 1.08 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8320 Yes AT&T 1.08 W/kg
Motorola i365 Yes Sprint 1.09 W/kg
Samsung SPH-m300 Yes Kajeet, CREDO, Sprint 0.79 – 1.09 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8310 Yes AT&T 1.09 W/kg
Samsung Smooth (SCH-u350) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.09 W/kg
LG Dare (VX9700) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.09 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8350i Yes Sprint 1.10 W/kg
Nokia 2610 Yes AT&T GoPhone, CellularONE, T-Mobile, AT&T 1.10 W/kg
Nokia 2760 Yes CellularONE, T-Mobile 0.74 – 1.10 W/kg
UTStarcom GTX75 (aka AT&T Quickfire) Yes AT&T 0.36 – 1.10 W/kg
T-Mobile G1 with Google Yes T-Mobile 1.11 W/kg
Samsung SPH-M320 Yes Sprint, CREDO 0.81 – 1.11 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a437 Yes AT&T GoPhone, AT&T 0.72 – 1.11 W/kg
Samsung Step (SCH-r470 Two) Yes U.S. Cellular 1.00 – 1.11 W/kg
Nokia 2605 Mirage Yes Verizon Wireless 1.12 W/kg
UTStarcom CDM7126 Yes Cricket, MetroPCS 1.13 W/kg
Motorola Evoke QA4 Yes Cricket 1.13 W/kg
LG 3280 Yes TracFone 1.13 W/kg
HTC Fuze (RAPH110) Yes AT&T 1.13 W/kg
HTC Fuze Yes AT&T 1.13 W/kg
Samsung Knack (SCH-u310) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.14 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a237 Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone 1.07 – 1.14 W/kg
LG VX8360 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.14 W/kg
LG Lotus (LX600) Yes Sprint 0.90 – 1.15 W/kg
Blackberry Pearl Flip 8220 Yes T-Mobile 1.15 W/kg
Motorola Krave ZN4 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.16 W/kg
Samsung Tint (SCH-R420 Yes MetroPCS 0.68 – 1.17 W/kg
Motorola Clutch i465 Yes Boost Mobile, Sprint 1.17 W/kg
LG CP150 Yes AT&T GoPhone 1.18 W/kg
LG 410G Yes TracFone 1.18 W/kg
LG LX160 Yes Kajeet, Sprint 1.19 W/kg
Apple iPhone 3G S Yes AT&T 0.52 – 1.19 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t819 Yes T-Mobile 1.19 W/kg
Samsung BlackJack II (SGH-i617) Yes AT&T 0.61 – 1.20 W/kg
Samsung SCH-U440 Yes U.S. Cellular 1.13 – 1.21 W/kg
Sanyo PRO-200 Yes Sprint 0.41 – 1.21 W/kg
Samsung Finesse (SCH-r810) Yes MetroPCS 1.22 W/kg
LG CE110 Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone 1.22 W/kg
Motorola MOTOACTV W450 Yes T-Mobile 1.23 W/kg
Motorola MOTORAKR Z6m Yes MetroPCS 1.23 W/kg
Samsung Solstice (SGH-A877) Yes AT&T 0.67 – 1.23 W/kg
Sony Ericsson C905a Cyber-shot Yes AT&T, CellularONE 0.67 – 1.23 W/kg
Motorola The Buzz ic502 Yes Sprint 1.24 W/kg
Blackberry Pearl 8110 Yes AT&T 1.24 W/kg
Samsung SGH-t219 Yes T-Mobile 1.24 W/kg
Sanyo PRO-700 Yes Sprint 0.54 – 1.24 W/kg
Nokia 5310 Yes T-Mobile 1.11 – 1.25 W/kg
Nokia 5310 Xpress Music Yes CellularONE 1.25 W/kg
Sanyo SCP-2700 Yes Sprint, CREDO 1.16 – 1.25 W/kg
Motorola RAZR V3i Yes CellularONE, AT&T, T-Mobile 1.26 W/kg
Samsung SCH-r211 Yes Cricket 1.26 W/kg
LG VU (CU915) Yes AT&T 1.26 W/kg
LG Chocolate 3 (VX8560) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.26 W/kg
Helio Fin Yes Virgin Mobile 0.53 – 1.27 W/kg
Nokia 3606 Yes Cricket 1.27 W/kg
Samsung Sway (SCH-u650) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.28 W/kg
Blackberry 8820 Yes AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless 1.28 W/kg
LG enV Touch (VX11000,Voyager 2) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.28 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a637 Yes AT&T 0.45 – 1.28 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a737 Yes AT&T 0.43 – 1.28 W/kg
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Yes CellularONE 1.29 W/kg
Motorola Moto Q Global Yes AT&T 1.29 W/kg
Verizon Wireless CDM8975PTT Yes Verizon Wireless 1.30 W/kg
LG INCITE (CT810) Yes AT&T 1.30 W/kg
Samsung Epix (SGH-i907) Yes AT&T 0.52 – 1.30 W/kg
LG LX290 Yes Sprint 1.04 – 1.30 W/kg
Motorola i880 Yes Sprint 1.30 W/kg
LG 200C Yes TracFone 1.30 W/kg
Motorola MOTO Q 9m Yes Verizon Wireless 1.30 W/kg
Cricket TXTM8 Yes Cricket 1.30 W/kg
Verizon Wireless CDM8975 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.30 W/kg
Samsung SCH-u410 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.31 W/kg
LG enV 3 (VX9200) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.31 W/kg
Samsung Juke (SCH-u470) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.31 W/kg
Nokia Surge 6790 Yes AT&T 1.31 W/kg
Samsung Omnia (SCH-i910) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.31 W/kg
Motorola W376g Yes TracFone 1.32 W/kg
Motorola Tundra VA76r Yes AT&T 1.32 W/kg
Samsung Instinct s30 Yes Sprint 1.05 – 1.33 W/kg
Nokia 6555 Yes AT&T 0.93 – 1.33 W/kg
Motorola V176 Yes TracFone 1.33 W/kg
Motorola MOTORAZR VE20 Yes Sprint, U.S. Cellular 1.34 W/kg
LG Invision (CB630) Yes AT&T 1.34 W/kg
Samsung Trance (SCH-u490) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.34 W/kg
Samsung SCH-u540 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.34 W/kg
Verizon Wireless G’zOne Type S Yes Verizon Wireless 1.34 W/kg
Verizon Wireless G’zOne Type S PTT Yes Verizon Wireless 1.34 W/kg
LG enV 2 (VX9100) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.34 W/kg
Motorola MotoEM330 Yes AT&T 1.35 W/kg
Palm Centro Yes AT&T, CellularONE, Sprint, Verizon Wireless 1.09 – 1.35 W/kg
Samsung SPH-z400 Yes Sprint 0.72 – 1.36 W/kg
Motorola MOTOROKR U9 Yes CellularONE 1.36 W/kg
LG LX370 Yes Sprint 0.90 – 1.36 W/kg
Samsung ACE (SPH-i325) Yes Sprint 1.00 – 1.36 W/kg
Motorola C261 Yes TracFone 1.38 W/kg
LG Versa (VX9600) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.38 W/kg
Verizon Wireless CDM8950 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.38 W/kg
Nokia 1606 Yes Cricket, MetroPCS 1.38 W/kg
Samsung SCH-u340 Yes Cricket, U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless 1.38 W/kg
Apple iPhone 3G Yes AT&T 0.24 – 1.39 W/kg
Samsung SCH-u550 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.39 W/kg
Helio Mysto Yes Virgin Mobile 1.21 – 1.39 W/kg
Motorola W370 Yes TracFone 1.40 W/kg
Samsung FlipShot (SCH-u900) Yes Verizon Wireless 1.40 W/kg
Motorola RAZR V3s Yes MetroPCS 1.40 W/kg
Nokia E71 Yes CellularONE 1.23 – 1.40 W/kg
Palm Treo PRO (T850EWW) Yes Sprint 1.40 W/kg
Nokia E71x Yes AT&T 1.41 W/kg
Sony Ericsson Z750a Yes AT&T 1.42 W/kg
Samsung Messager, Mister Cartoon (SCH-r450) Yes Cricket, MetroPCS 1.42 W/kg
Motorola C139 Yes TracFone 1.43 W/kg
Blackberry 8703e Yes Verizon Wireless 1.44 W/kg
Samsung Highnote (SPH-m630) Yes Sprint 0.74 – 1.45 W/kg
Motorola i576 Yes Sprint 1.45 W/kg
Motorola i776 Yes Sprint 1.45 W/kg
Motorola Adventure V750 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.45 W/kg
Motorola Boost i776 Yes Boost Mobile 1.45 W/kg
Samsung SGH-a777 Yes AT&T 0.63 – 1.46 W/kg
Samsung Instinct (SPH-m800) Yes Sprint 1.16 – 1.46 W/kg
Firefly GlowPhone Yes CellularONE 1.46 W/kg
Samsung Spex (SCH-r210) Yes Cricket, U.S. Cellular 1.46 W/kg
Blackberry 8700g Yes T-Mobile 1.46 W/kg
Kyocera Neo E1100 Yes U.S. Cellular, MetroPCS 1.46 W/kg
Helio Heat Yes Virgin Mobile 0.85 – 1.46 W/kg
Sony Ericsson TM506 Yes T-Mobile 1.46 W/kg
Blackberry 8830 World Edition Yes U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless, Sprint 1.46 W/kg
Blackberry Pearl 8120 Yes T-Mobile, AT&T 1.48 W/kg
Sanyo S1 Yes Sprint 1.46 – 1.48 W/kg
Blackberry Pearl 8130 Yes Sprint, U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless 1.48 W/kg
Motorola MOTOSLVR L9 Yes CellularONE 1.48 W/kg
HTC SMT 5800 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.49 W/kg
Kyocera Melo S1300 Yes MetroPCS 1.11 – 1.50 W/kg
Kyocera S1300 Yes Cricket 1.11 – 1.50 W/kg
Nokia 1006 Yes MetroPCS 1.50 W/kg
Motorola V365 Yes AT&T 1.51 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8300 Yes T-Mobile, AT&T 1.51 W/kg
Blackberry Bold 9000 Yes AT&T 1.51 W/kg
LG Rumor2 (LX265) Yes Sprint 1.04 – 1.51 W/kg
Motorola MOTO VE240 Yes Cricket, MetroPCS 1.52 W/kg
Motorola i335 Yes Sprint 1.53 W/kg
Motorola C290 Yes Kajeet, Sprint 1.53 W/kg
T-Mobile Shadow Yes T-Mobile 1.53 W/kg
Blackberry Curve 8330 Yes Sprint, U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless, MetroPCS, CREDO 1.54 W/kg
Motorola W385 Yes U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless 1.54 W/kg
Motorola MOTO VU204 Yes Verizon Wireless 1.55 W/kg
Kyocera Jax S1300 Yes Virgin Mobile 1.55 W/kg
T-Mobile myTouch 3G Yes T-Mobile 1.55 W/kg
Kyocera K132 Yes Cricket N/A
Kyocera TNT! S2400 Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
Cricket EZ Yes Cricket N/A
HTC Touch Yes CellularONE N/A
Motorola Boost i776w Yes Boost Mobile N/A
Blackberry Tour 9630 Smartphone Yes Sprint N/A
Motorola W315 Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Pantech C630 Yes AT&T N/A
Kyocera Marbl K127 Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
LG Wine (UX280) Yes U.S. Cellular N/A
Motorola Multimedia RAZR Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Pantech Matrix Pro Yes AT&T N/A
LG Shine (CU720) Yes AT&T N/A
HTC Touch Diamond XV6950 Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Motorola Q9 Yes CellularONE N/A
Kyocera K126C Yes TracFone N/A
Blackberry Pearl Flip 8230 Yes U.S. Cellular N/A
Pantech Matrix Yes AT&T N/A
Motorola RAZR Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Sierra Wireless 598U Yes Sprint N/A
Pantech C610 Yes AT&T N/A
Kyocera X-tc M2000 Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
LG Rumor Yes Kajeet N/A
Motorola MOTO Q 9c Yes CREDO, Sprint N/A
Sony z555a Yes CellularONE N/A
Pantech Breeze Yes AT&T N/A
Pantech Slate (C530) Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone N/A
HTC Touch (ELF0100) Yes CellularONE, U.S. Cellular N/A
Motorola Boost i290 Yes Boost Mobile N/A
HTC Snap Yes Sprint N/A
Motorola i920 Yes Sprint N/A
Motorola Renew W233 Yes T-Mobile N/A
Sony Ericsson F305 Yes CellularONE N/A
LG Flare (LX165) Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
Blackberry Curve 8830 Yes Sprint N/A
Motorola Boost i335 Yes Boost Mobile N/A
Motorola KRZR Yes CellularONE N/A
Motorola V170 Yes TracFone N/A
Sony Ericsson W350 Yes AT&T, AT&T GoPhone N/A
Kyocera Mako S4000 Yes MetroPCS N/A
Cricket A100 Yes Cricket N/A
Motorola V195s Yes T-Mobile N/A
Samsung t636 Yes CellularONE N/A
Verizon Wireless G’zOne Boulder Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Verizon Wireless Blitz Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
Verizon Wireless XV6900 Yes Verizon Wireless N/A
UTStarcom Shuttle Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
UTStarcom Arc Yes Virgin Mobile N/A
Palm Treo 755p Yes Sprint N/A


Cell Phones Raise Children’s Risk of Brain Cancer 500 Percent October 14, 2008

Posted by healthyself in Bioeffects, Biological Effects, Biologically Signficant, Blogroll, Brain, Brain Cancer, Brain Damage, Brain Stress, Brain Tumors, Cell phone safety, Cell Phone Transmissions, Cell Phones, Childhood Cancer, Children, Children's health, Cordless Phones, Cordless Telephone Base Units, Danger, Ear Tumors, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic Radiation, Electrosensitive, Electrosensitivity, EMF Exposure, EMF Research, EMF's, EMF-induced effects, Health related, Health Risk, Health Risks, Health warnings, Hearing, Heightened Risk, Human Biological Experiment, Human Populations, immune and nervous funtions, Investigators, Kids, Long Term Health Effects, Long Term Health Risks, neurological, neuroma, Pulsed Radiation, Research, Research Needed, Risk, Risk Factor, Risk of Cancer, Risk of Disease, Symptoms, Teenagers, Tweenies, Wireless Phones.
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cell phone teenagerAlarming new research indicates that children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer if they use cell phones. The study is raising fears that today’s young people may suffer an epidemic of the disease in later life.”
“The Swedish research was reported this month at the first international conference on cell phones and health. It came from a further analysis of data from one of the biggest studies carried out on the cell phone/cancer link… “people who started mobile phone use before the age of 20″ had more than five-fold increase in glioma, a cancer of the glial cells that support the central nervous system.”

“The risk to young people from household cordless phones was almost as great. Cordless phones caused a fourfold increase in risk.”

“Young cell phone users were also five times more likely to get acoustic neuromas, disabling tumors of the auditory nerve that often cause deafness.”

  • EMF & Health: A Global Issue September 8-9, 2008, The Royal Society, London

Congressional Hearings On Cell Phones September 24, 2008

Posted by healthyself in Blogroll, Cell phone safety, Electrosensitivity, EMF's, Environment, Health related.

The First Congressional Hearings

On Cell Phones in 15 Years!


Among those slated to appear are David Carpenter, a co-editor of the BioInitiative Report, Ronald Herberman of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and the FCC’s Julius Knapp, as well as Ellen Marks of California, whose husband is a brain tumor survivor.

Quicker than a microwave August 25, 2008

Posted by healthyself in Adolescents, Aging, Alarming, Bioeffects, Biofield, Blogroll, Cell Phone Pulses, Cell phone safety, Cell Phone Transmissions, Cell Phones, Cordless Phones, Danger, Denial of Risk, Electrical Pulses, Electrical Surges, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic Radiation, Electromagnetic Signals, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, EMF's, EMF-induced effects, Emissions, Environment, Exposure, Hand Portables, Handheld Units, Health related, Health Risk, Health Risks, heat, Humor, Kids, Lifestyle, Long Term Health Effects, Long Term Health Risks, Microwave exposure, Microwave Ovens, Mobile Phone Transmissions, mobile telephones, Pulsed Radiation, Research Needed, ringing, Risk of Disease, Safe Levels, Sufficient Evidence, Teenagers, transmission, Tweenies, Who is Affected?, Wireless, Wireless Phones, Wireless Revolution.
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Popping corn


Lymphoma in dogs July 30, 2008

Posted by healthyself in Animal Research, Animals, Bioeffects, Biologically Signficant, Blogroll, Cancer, Cell phone safety, Electrosensitivity, EMF's, Health related, Lymphoma.
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“Several studies have linked residential electromagnetic fields (EMFs) with human cancers, especially those of the blood. A new study now suggests that these fields may pose a similar risk to pets”

“…….coworkers….. focused their study on 230 dogs hospitalized with cancer. These included 93 animals with canine lymphoma–a common blood cancer whose origins remain unknown….”After characterizing the wiring in each pet’s home, …[the] team measured, whenever possible, actual magnetic fields where the dog spent most of its time.”

“Overhead power lines running along streets and up to homes constitute the biggest overall contributor to residential EMFs”… “factors associated with those lines also showed the strongest link to lymphoma. They included high front-yard fields (more than 2 milligauss) or “open secondary” wires (that have been associated with very high fields). Compared to animals whose homes were fed by buried power lines, dogs exposed to these factors faced double the cancer risk–and it tripled if the animal spent 25 percent or more of its time outside.”

…the most powerful statistical association to the cancer occurred in those 10 dogs whose homes were located very near a large, “primary” power distribution line. After adjusting for potentially confounding variables, researchers found that the dogs had 13.4 times the lymphoma risk of animals from homes with buried power lines.”

…” this investigation suggests that “dogs may act as a ‘sentinel’ species” for studying environmental threats to the families with whom they share a home.”

Science News,  March 18, 1995

COPYRIGHT 1995 Science Service, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group

Cell Towers Moved Out of Schools! May 30, 2008

Posted by healthyself in "Cellular" Relay Antennas, Adolescents, Bioeffects, Biological Effects, Blogroll, Broadcast Antennas, Cancer Protection, Cell Masts, Cell phone industry, Cell phone safety, Cell phone towers, Cell Phone Transmissions, Cellular Phone Frequencies, Children's health, Cordless Phones, Danger, Dangerous, Decision Making, Denial of Risk, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic Radiation, Electromagnetic Signals, Electromagnetic waves, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, ELF, EMF Exposure, EMF Research, EMF's, EMF-induced effects, Environment, Generations, Government's role, Guidelines, Health related, Health Risk, Health Risks, Health warnings, Heightened Risk, Human Populations, Kids, Lifestyle, Lifetime, Long Term Health Effects, Long Term Health Risks, masts, Men's Health, microwaves, Mobile Music, Mobile Phone Transmissions, mobile telephones, Monitoring, Monitoring Authorities, Parenting, Phone mast, Public areas, Public Policy, Pulsed Radiation, radiation, Recommendations, Research Needed, Risk, Risk Factor, Risk of Disease, School administrators, School Boards, School yards, Schools, Sufficient Evidence, Teachers, Teenagers, Transmitter Towers, Tweenies, Unsafe, Who is Affected?, Wireless, Wireless Phones, Wireless Revolution, Wireless Technologies, Women's Health, Workplace.
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27 May 2008, 0545 hrs IST,Somdatta Basu,TNN

“KOLKATA: Cellphone towers could soon have to steer clear of schools and hospitals in Kolkata as the state environment department perceives them as a potential health and safety hazard.”

“A list of guidelines issued by the department has decreed that installation of base station antennas on the premises of schools and hospitals “may be avoided because children and patients are more susceptible to electromagnetic fields.”The order”…..”mentions that antennas be avoided in narrow lanes to reduce the risks caused by an earthquake or wind-related disaster.”…..”the antennas should be at least 3 metre from the nearest building and should not directly face it, and that the lower end of the towers should be at least 3 metres above the ground or roof. Barbed-wire fences should keep antenna sites barred to the public, it has said. And access to towers, the government has suggested, be kept to the minimum, even for maintenance personnel.”

“Cellphone firms have asked to put up warning signs and ensure that these are “clearly visible and identifiable”. A warning sign has been prescribed at the entrance of such zone. Such signs should carry cautionary notes discouraging people — even maintenance personnel — from staying too long in the zone. The environment department has suggested that the sign boards may contain the following text: Danger! RF radiation, Do not enter!

“Operators and maintenance personnel…should be protected from electromagnetic radiation, the state says. It has advised cellphone firms to educate personnel on the possible hazards from these devices.”

“Cellphone service providers were guarded in their response”….”researchers felt it was still too early to reach a conclusion ….You need to study an entire generation to come to a definite conclusion. But precautions are always welcome”…”There were complaints from several districts. Many schools said mobile towers were being erected on their roofs and in nearby areas….”
