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What is Sacred Sound? September 17, 2006

Posted by healthyself in .05 Hz, 14-20 Hz, 8 Hz, Beneficial frequencies, Beta Rhythm, Biological Activity, Biological Effects, Blogroll, Cell phone safety, Coherence, Consciousness, Definitions, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Electromagnetic waves, Electrosensitivity, Energy, Energy Centers, Entrainment, Environment, Extra-Sensory Perception, Frequencies, Healing, Health related, Interdisciplinary, Meditation, nerves, Quantum Physics, Resonance, Resonant Frequency, Solutions, Sound, Transformation, Unified Field, Vibration, Vibrational Medicine, Waves, Who is Affected?.
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“Rupert Sheldrake describes our bodies as “nested hierarchies of vibrational frequencies” which appear as discreet systems functioning within larger more complicated systems, which themselves are contained within even larger and more complex vibrational structures. In fact, you can view the whole universe in this way, from sub-atomic particles, to the most intricate life forms, to the nebulae and galaxies themselves — all are resonating fields of pulsating energy in constant interaction with one another.it becomes quite plausible that externally imposed vibration can have quite an influence on our physiology….every form, with its unique shape, size and density, vibrates within its own specific range of frequencies…

“…the beat frequencies associated with states of deep meditation are quite prevalent in such ancient ritual instruments as Tibetan “singing bowls”. These pulsations tend to quiet brainwave activity from our more normally active Beta states (around 14 – 20 Hz.) to the Theta and Delta states where predominant brainwave activity may drop to a range from 8 Hz. to as low as 0.5 Hz. in deepest meditative states.
“In our normal active (Beta) state, the sensory currents flow throughout our body and out into the world gathering perceptions. We process these physical, mental, and emotional sensations and navigate our environment accordingly, totally unaware of this subtle energy outflow.”…..“Over time, as one masters the ability to sustain focused attention at the third eye, the sounds become clearer and more powerful: a resounding bell being struck, a conch shell being blown, the beating of a large drum, the playing of harps, the flute, and finally a sound similar to bagpipes. It is interesting to note that human cultures the world over have created musical instruments which mimic these subtle sounds, perhaps as archetypal echoes reminding us from whence we have come, and as guideposts for our long journey back home.”

“This is the same path that has been navigated by the great masters, saints and teachers from all sacred traditions throughout the ages. In the Sufi lineage, it has been described in detail in the poems of Rumi, and the writings of Kabir and Hafiz. In the Western mystery schools it was revealed by Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato, to name but a few. These teachings describe a “souljourn” that is laid out within the template of our own bodies, and is therefore universal. It is a true science of sacred sound which is precise in its application, yet absolutely non-denominational in approach. If one is truly ready and willing, it can direct the courageous soul on a step-by-step process of emancipating one’s own consciousness!”
