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Melatonin, Breast Cancer, and EMF’s August 27, 2006

Posted by healthyself in 50 Hz, 60 Hz Magnetic Fields, Biological Activity, Biological Effects, Brain, Breast Cancer, Cancer Protection, Cell phone safety, Circadian rhythms, Diagnostic marker, Electromagnetic pollution, Electromagnetic waves, Electrosensitivity, Electrosmog, ELF, Emergency Medicine, EMF Research, EMF's, Environment, Health related, Immune system, Inflammation, Integrative Medicine, Long Term Health Risks, Melatonin, Men's Health, Microwave exposure, Mitigation, Pineal Gland, Pulsed Radiation, radiation, Research, sensations, Sleep disturbances, transmission, Who is Affected?, Women's Health.

“The latest thinking centers on melatonin as the possible “smoking gun” explaining the mystery of how EMF below thermal intensities might affect human cells.”

“Synthesized in the brain by the pineal gland, the sleep regulating hormone, melatonin, also has cancer fighting characteristics which EMF seems to block. Laboratory research has found that melatonin is lowered by electric balnkets and other EMF exposure including the medical imaging process called NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy). Melatonin reduction caused by artificial energy fields (man made alternating current) may be key to the rise in male and female breast cancer rates.”



1. maha - August 29, 2006


I have a question that tiries me about if it is possible that i can have brain cancer because my mobile phone is causing me ear aches and have continous hammering like headache in the back of my head.

I thank you for your support

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