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What is a Scalar Wave? September 12, 2006

Posted by healthyself in Amplitude, Cell phone safety, DNA, Figure Eight, Mitochondria, Mobius Coil, Movement, Quantum Physics, Scalar Wave, Transformation, Waves.

“Scalar waves are produced when two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency are exactly out of phase (opposite to each other) and the amplitudes subtract and cancel or destroy each other. The result is not exactly an annihilation of magnetic fields but a transformation of energy back into a scalar wave. This scalar field has reverted back to a vacuum state of potentiality. Scalar waves can be created by wrapping electrical wires around a figure eight in the shape of a möbius coil. When an electric current flows through the wires in opposite directions, the opposing electromagnetic fields from the two wires cancel each other and create a scalar wave.”

“The DNA antenna in our cells’ energy production centers (mitochondria) assumes the shape of what is called a super-coil. Supercoil DNA look like a series of möbius coils. These möbius supercoil DNA are hypothetically able to generate scalar waves. Most cells in the body contain thousands of these möbius supercoils, which are generating scalar waves throughout the cell and throughout the body.”



1. Bobby - November 16, 2006

0_0 I find this absolutely amazing (traditonal form of ‘amazing’)! I must say… many things are possible and apparent to those that know how to use their devices properly, and this sort of thing paves the way for future developments and the link between man and machine.


2. Scalar waves « Compenetration Weblog - April 9, 2008

[…] frequency, Harmonics, Interference, Resonance, scalar wave “Scalar waves are produced when two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency are exactly ou… “The DNA antenna in our cells’ energy production centers (mitochondria) assumes the shape of […]

3. Steven - January 28, 2009

How is it that a principle as profound as a mobius coil goes unnoticed by millions of people who are more attracted to a weight loss program, or Curves, or McDonalds. The mobius coil is a fantastic new insight into the pinciples of life and how we can really apply this knowledge to solve al kinds of problems facing us now! Much of the scientific breakthroughs have come directly from coypying the secrets of Nature. This idea of the mobius coil is one of the biggies that Nature has dropped in our lap. has anyone else played with this idea?

4. Anonymous - March 25, 2010

It’s unbelievable!

No really, I don’t believe it. It’s made-up pseudoscience

5. Convegno sulla Nutrigenomica e Nutraceutica-Terni-22 maggio 2010 « La Cultura Come Medicina - April 28, 2010
6. HimalayanGifts - May 7, 2010

Scalar Energy is the energy of tmw!
Check out more at http://himalayangift.wordpress.com
I’m using all the products there and it works wonderfully! 🙂

7. Paolo Manzelli - June 21, 2010

*BIO-NANO ENTANGLEMENT FOTONICO e FONONICO* , probabilmente in Settembre 2010, c/o Quantum Bionet Pavia University Italy
L’obiettivo generale dell’ incontro consiste nel modificare le logiche meccaniche della scienza per adeguarle alle necessita’ di comprensione generale delle interazioni luce , suono e materia a livello bio e nano-tecnlogico .

Tale obiettivo si inquadra nella strategia comunitaria di trasformazione dell’Europa in una società basata sulla conoscenza innovativa ed il conseguente passaggio dell’industria da una sistema basato sullo sfruttamento intensivo delle risorse ad una industria basata sul contenuto innovativo di conoscenze e sulla competitivita’ strategica del rapporto tra innovazione concettuale e sostenibilita ecologica delle nuove produzioni ad elevato know how nano e bio-tecnologico.

Le nanoscienze e le scienze della vita basate sulla genetica molecolare sono pertanto da considerarsi abilitanti per il compimento di un tale processo epocale ed i maggiori break-through di tale sviluppo cognitivo e produttivo necessitano di una vasta comprensione della gente. Quest’ ultima e’ attuabile mettendo in chiara evidenza il cambiamento concettuale e non sono tecnologico che tale prospettiva epocale comporta .

L’ incontro vorra’ pertanto porre in discussione le esigenze di ampia
divulgazione nella scienza e nell’ arte in favore del rinnovamento cognitivo necessario per dare sviluppo sociale ed economico e produttivo relativamente alla innovazione delle bio e nanotecnologie cosi da permettere il contemporaneo sviluppo della ricerca trans-disciplinare sulle nuove conoscenze e relative produzioni.

Temi dell’ Incontro saranno :

Paolo Manzelli

8. Phanes - November 6, 2010

What you think affects your body chemicals and hormones, which affects your biological processes and genetic development, all because of this type of idea.

9. The Doppler Effect: Are radars affecting the weather? | The ResoNation - April 11, 2012

[…] “The DNA antenna in our cells’ energy production centers (mitochondria) assumes the shape of what is called a super-coil. Supercoil DNA look like a series of möbius coils. These möbius supercoil DNA are hypothetically able to generate scalar waves. Most cells in the body contain thousands of these möbius supercoils, which are generating scalar waves throughout the cell and throughout the body.” Source: cellphonesafety […]

10. Jason - September 26, 2012

I did this with analog audio waves too placing two waves out of phase.

11. hocker5433.soup.io - February 25, 2014

Good post. I will be experiencing many of these
issues as well..

12. Notas sobre Ondas Escalares… | Nikola Tesla Brasil/RN - May 4, 2017

[…] das ondas hertzianas, existe também o conceito de ondas escalares.              A identificação das ondas escalares foi mencionada em 1899 por Nikola Tesla. […]

13. As Misteriosas ONDAS ESCALARES Mantidas em Segredo para Nos Manipular | MATÉRIA PÚBLICA - February 8, 2018

[…] das ondas hertzianas, existe também o conceito de ondas escalares.  A identificação das ondas escalares foi mencionada em 1899 por Nikola Tesla.  […]

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